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Wahoo it's Day 7 first Major Major milestone in this long journey. This is the continuation of the Story "Luck" which this story isn't supposed to exist but due to technical difficulties, it does. I do have pronouns for Ash's Pikachu since it's a lot easier than just saying Pikachu instead of a pronoun but I do tend to flip-flop. If there is a pronoun it is masculine since Ash's Pikachu doesn't have a heart-shaped tail tip like female Pikachus. This one is mainly going to be from Ash's point of view so in a way another exploration in first person point of view but not the entire story is in Ash's point of view. The rest of the story is in the third person, as I normally write.  Ash is being Ash in this story but I do have him not being a complete moron but still Ash so eh.  Now that's all out of the way let's get on with the story.

                                                                                       Ash's POV

I saw a sub not far in the distance and decided to take my chance I kicked Shelly as hard as I could and made a swim for it...I didn't get far and the guy that grabbed me first grabbed me again yanking me back and toward the sub with the rest of Team Aqua right there. I was struggling and kicking but nothing happened we reached the submarine and I was being dragged on bored. "You're pretty feisty you'd do good in Team Aqua," Shelly said as I was being tied to a metal pole my hands were in front of me and I was sitting on the ground. "I'd rather go try to punch out Mewtwo than join you people," I said and to be honest I have tried to punch Mewtwo don't do it it was unfun, and in the words of Misty "The dumbest thing someone from the human race has ever done." I would rather repeat that than be here. "You got an attitude as well. You'll be back with your little friends before too long so enjoy your stay," Shelly said before walking toward the front of the submarine. What do they want from me and how can I not give it to them?  I thought to myself as the Submarine began moving taking me further and further away from my friends.

                                                                    End of Ash's POV

The sub dove deeper into the inky blackness of the sea and farther away from all who care for Ash. May and Max were panicking on the surface while Professor Birch and Brock were trying to hold it together for them and themselves. Then Team Rocket attacked at the worst moment and Pikachu only just fended them off and they returned Nincada to Keanu before promptly leaving. "We need to get to the police station and tell them what happened so they know to look out for Ash," Brock said as the group started running to Dewford Town and the others nodded. When they arrived the police took all their statements and just over two hours after Ash was taken before their very eyes a missing persons alert was sent out. The alert detailed what Ash looks like and what he was wearing when he was taken plus a picture of him. The Alert also included that he had been kidnapped by members of Team Aqua and to be on the lookout for him.  The Alert also said to not engage with the people he is with because they are considered highly dangerous individuals. 

"We'll contact you all if we get any information that would pertain to the arrest of the perpetrators or if we find any clues to point to the location of Ash Ketchum." Officer Jenny said as her Growlith pawed at Pikachu who had taken up residence on Brock's backpack at the lack of the shoulder Pikachu prefers to stay on. The group nodded and walked out of the police station to go stay at the Pokemon Center so they could be found easier than if they were on the outskirts of Dewford Island. "I'll stay with you all till Ash is found. I'm going to call my Assistant to take care of the lab while I'm away." Professor Birch said as they got rooms to stay in at the Pokemon center. "You don't have to do that Professor," May said as she cradled Torchic to her chest and had her arm around Max tucking him into her side. Instead of his usual reaction, Max curled into May's side seeking comfort instead of his usual snark and a push trying to knock his sister over when May rarely tries to hug him. 

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