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I've decided to truly dabble in 1st person point of view only for Day Three even though I'm much better at 3rd person point of view. I figured it would be fun to give it a try even though I'm a bit out of my element—just a reminder this is a continuation of "Forgotten" from day one. To remind you The X-men just had a survival training exercise but they left Jubilee behind in the forest by accident.  Sabertooth attacked Jubilee and was nearly killed if not for Warren Worthington III the only person to realize she'd been left saving her. Now we are back up to the present of Warren ringing the doorbell...

                                                                                Jubilee's POV

I shivered as the doorbell sounded and I pressed myself a bit further into Warren's wing that was around my shoulders. I felt the wing drape further over my shoulder and mouthed a thank you toward Warren, who just smiled and then we waited. It took a few minutes and a few more rings of the doorbell till a grumpy half-asleep Forge opened the door. "It is the middle of the night get off of our-" Forge shouted till he locked eyes with Warren and saw me and he just froze on the spot in the middle of the doorway. "You gonna let us in there Forge?" Warren asked after about a minute of Forge just standing there. In response Forge just stepped aside with a word and we walked in I didn't remove myself from the wing dropped across me and Warren made no effort to remove it and that made me feel a bit more secure.  Then I heard other footsteps coming down the stairs and I wanted to scream because I just wanted to take a shower and ignore all this for as long as possible.  The moment I saw most of the team descending the stairs that hope went straight out of the window and I almost groaned out loud.

"Warren why are you ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night you have a key if you went out to have fun you could simply unlock the door and let yourself in." Cyclops huffed as he descended the stairs but he paused when he saw me and he just glared at Warren.  "Warren I know you said we left Jubilee but did you have to take her outside and bring her back in? Did you drag the poor girl out of bed Warren? Jubilee I'm sure you have no clue as to what is happening but Warren has said we left you back at the forest." Storm said as she shook her head in disapproval and disappointment in Warren and the others nodding along agreeing with her.  I looked at Warren's whose face was tight but he wasn't tearing into them like I knew he could but why wasn't he? 

Do I want him to yell at them?  They are like my family and yet here I am wanting Warren to tear into them until they finally get what they did. I want them to know how I feel and how I felt knowing they left me. The fact I gave up fighting Sabertooth and I was accepting death because I knew no one was coming because I felt like no one would miss me.  No one has seen the blood on my coat or the bruises around my throat and I'm not even hiding them. They are only concerned with the fact that they believe Warren is playing a prank and not that he might be right...Maybe I want him to yell at them just a bit... just for them to understand that this is real and the fact that they messed up.

"You did leave me..." I whispered as I stared at the floor. "What was that sugar?" Rouge asked so sweetly, so innocently, and so heartfelt and that's what broke the straw that broke the camel's back. "THE FACT YOU LEFT ME AND NO ONE NOTICED! NO ONE CARED ENOUGH TO CHECK WARREN'S VALID CLAIMS!! IF WARREN WAS ANY LESS STUBBORN  I WOULD BE DEAD!! THE PERSON I ARGUE WITH THE MOST IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO NOTICED I WAS GONE!!" I screamed and then I started sobbing as I stared at them and I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. Storm tried to reach for me tentatively almost motherly but I flinched away directly into Warren who didn't miss a beat holding me against him almost like a big brother would... then he put his wings in front of me like he was shielding me.  The others were saying things but I wasn't listening and anytime one of them got too close Warren would slap them with one of his wings before he would put it back around me. I started walking and Warren was walking right behind me not letting up the wing shield or his hold even as we went up the stairs. It probably looked embarrassing but I felt secure so I couldn't have cared less. It felt like the yelling had sucked out all my energy and I felt like I was floating underwater and everything was cloudy and out of focus. 

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