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Wahoo day 11 celebrating small victories today! Now this is another X-men story I know I've had a lot of those but oh well. This isn't a continuation of a story but much rather a story with a big pre-existing event that was already triggered. The event in question will be talked about but I will say Jean isn't the good guy by a long shot. I really don't like Jean Grey and that's why she isn't a good person in this. This takes Morph's character design, pronouns, and personality from the new X-Men 97' show and I've always viewed them as an older sibling to Jubilee. This story is also an exorcise in writing in emotional conversations so this may be a bit rough. Now with all of that out of the way let's get on with the story.-K

Jubilee truthfully didn't know exactly where she was just some small town in Oregon thousands of miles away from where she truly belonged. She was cleaning tables as the rain was coming down outside at a steady rate making the atmosphere feel more dreary and sad than normal and to be honest fit her mood quite well. Somehow she'd gotten a job at this greasy diner where she was now watching the rain pitter against the sidewalk suspended in the loneliness and the sadness of the way things were going for almost 2 months.  As she was lost in her thoughts and feelings the dinner doorbell jingled signifying someone had walked in and Jubilee should get back into the back to wait for their order. She did that and not even ten minutes later she was given the order which would be the last one for her shift she walked over to the table and when she saw who was sitting there she nearly dropped everything and fell flat on her face.

A familiar brown bomber jacket and a familiar white head were what she saw and Jubilee knew before even looking at their face it was Morph for some reason in the middle of nowhere in a diner she was working at. "Hey there Jubes, let's talk before running off I've tracked you cross-country and I do not want to tell the team I lost you after finding you for a grand total of about two minutes," Morph said as they lolled his head to the side to look at her. Jubilee was already looking for an out and was about to take off but she sighed she might as well just face all of this it might make her feel better.

Jubilee slid into the booth opposite of Morph after handing them their food. Morph gave her the order of chili cheese fries and the order of Coca-Cola while he kept the cheeseburger and fries and the thing of Sprite. "You looked like you could use some food. Just don't tell Cyclopse that it's healthy he'll lose his mind." Morph said then he morphed into Cyclops  "Morph Jubilee what are you two doing eating that stuff don't you two know it's artery-clogging and unhealthy??" Morph said in their best impression Cyclpose while being Morphed. That got a small giggle out of Jubilee as she was eating. 

"Let's get the elephant out of the diner alright...Why did you run away Jubes? Morph as he held her hand across the table and Jubilee yanked her hand away as though she had touched a hot stove. "Run Away!? I don't think you understand what happened." Jubilee said as she raised her voice. "I want to understand Jubilee Please tell me so I can understand." Morph pleaded as he tried to reach for her hand again to give her comfort.

"Jean threw me out," Jubilee said as she began to tear up not looking at Morph but instead glaring at the stained titles of the floor. 'SHE WHAT!!?" Morph shouted and Jubilee's head shot up to see an enraged Morph. "I thought everyone knew...isn't that why you're here to deliver an item Jean forgot to throw at me?" Jubilee asked looking at Morph like this was all a trick. "Why did Jean throw you out?" Morph asked as he once again grabbed her hand and held it with both of their hands. "She said I wasn't worth half the trouble I brought to the team and that I needed to leave before someone died because of me. She threw me out of the Manor and threw a few of my things out of the window with her powers and I headed for the Greyhound and I bounced around hitchhiked and walked for long stretches of the journey up here...Wherever here is" Jubilee said and the next thing she knew she was being picked up and held.  "We didn't know Jean threw you out but I'm going to call the others right now and then we'll get you home right away," Morph said as he held Jubilee. "Home? You're going to take me back to the manor??" Jubilee asked genuinely confused. "Yes of course that's why I've been looking for you since we found out you were gone," Morph said as he held her a bit closer, and Jubilee started crying. 

Morph went to make the phone call while Jubilee went and clocked out and the head chef Marjorie looked at her. "you're never coming back in are you?" Marjorie asked playfully and Jubilee nodded slowly. "Good, you've been mopping so much about what happened before you ended up here and the person out there looks like a good way to make peace with what happened before you came here," Marjorie said as she gave Jubilee a pat on her back before Jubilee rushed out of the kitchen back to Morph who looked angry and sad but when they saw Jubilee they broke out in a wide grin and hugged her again.  When Morph let go of her the pair looked out the window and the rain had picked up steam. Morph took off his jacket as the pair walked toward the door and draped it over her. "Uh, what about you?" Jubilee asked as she peeked out from under the jacket on top of her head. "No offense Jubilee but you look incredibly sickly like I could knock you over with a leaf if I flicked it onto you. You need the jacket more than I do." Morph said and Jubilee squawked in surprise but knew that he was right.  

The two broke out in a run toward a car on the far side of the parking lot where Morph led them into a familiar-looking Jeep. When they got in Jubilee busted out laughing for the first time in months and Morph joined in after a moment when he got in the Jeep. "Why'd you park so far away?" Jubilee asked after she finished laughing and giving Morph his jacket back. "Well before you told me you were thrown out I thought you ran away and I thought if you saw me you'd run off," Morph said as they turned the car on. "Let's go home Morph," Jubilee said and Morph nodded as he pulled out of the parking lot...

Sorry that this was so short if you want another part please comment if so. I did not have a lot of motivation today but that should change by tomorrow for day 12 so sorry. I don't have much else to say I hope you have a good day and stay tuned for tomorrow.-K

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