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Hey there it's day 5 wahoo! Only 360 more to go so we hit the first milestone at least in my eyes it's a milestone so wahoo! This story falls under Batman and it's specifically Batfam so it's a first for this fandom so far in the ones I have written for this. This is also my first story in this set to not have a follow-up part because I have a plan for Saturday's story which is going to be super long so stay tuned for that. This story will be yet another adventure in first person point of view to get some more practice in for first person point of view. Considering the things going down in this story, I also feel it to be a bit easier on me. To only write the feelings and thoughts of the person being majority affected is a bit easier on me because I do NOT want to write myself telling the feelings and attempts at justification in this story. This story is going to cover some touchy subjects so I'm going to be putting a warning. TW: Hitting of a child and child neglect. End of TWs. I also want to point out that this story will contain Bad Father Bruce Wayne and slight Enabler Alfred Pennyworth. I love both of these characters but this is the story my brain came up with for this prompt.  So I apologize for that and if you don't want to read anything with either of those things and of course if the trigger warnings are too much then it's ok and you can just skip this one and head on over to tomorrow's story once it's up or if it is already up. Take care of your selves and with all of that out of the way let's get on with the story.-K

                                                                       Damian's POV

I threw myself out of the batmobile with Father shouting at me the whole way. "Damian you could have gotten those civilians killed tonight! Why didn't you just listen to my orders?!" Father shouted at me. "Because your way was sitting around and waiting letting the civilians be harmed! We're supposed to save civilians that's what you taught me so I did I saved them!" I shouted back. "Don't you shout at me!" Father bellowed "YOU told me to defend myself as equally as I was attacked so I AM!! Tt," I shouted till I felt my voice box vibrate then before I could even blink my face was turned violently to the side and a loud slapping sound rebounded throughout the cave and a sharp pain blossomed across the side of my face. "Go to your room you're benched from Robin indefinitely," Father growled before turning toward the Bat Computer.  I went up to my room and when I went to the washroom I looked at my face just to see the damage that had been done...

The right side of my face where Father had slapped me was already swelling and beginning to bruise and much to my shame it hurt. It shouldn't hurt I've had far worse my training had seen to that but yet this mere slap hurt almost as much as a stab from a sword.  I was angry as well because the rules of this house change constantly and none except the no Kill Rule are set in Stone. The consequences for breaking the rules never seem to be the same either and it's frustrating because back at The League rules were cut and dry and so were consequences. I've been here a year and a half and I still haven't figured out how this house works!!

I learned early on when I tried to kill Drake from Richard that we don't hurt each other here. It didn't sound like a rule but some rules when told don't sound like rules either...If it is a rule then is it only toward siblings? No the way Greyson phrased it made it sound like it applies to all who are considered family...if so then Father broke a rule set by Richard. Richard has a right to know but he's on an off-world mission with the Titans for the next two months and I can't call him because from my experiences with being punished by the time I make it back to my room all of my electronic devices will have "Mysteriously" disappeared. I also just don't want to be here...I know Pennyworth will barely look at me since I'm grounded and Father will give me the cold shoulder much more than he already does...It gets lonely when I'm grounded even though there are other people around me.

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