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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 3

"Are you sure she-"

"Naruto, for the third time. Yes, I'm sure. She will just continue hitting you. Just… give her some space." I said exasperatedly. I had spent the rest of our time after the meal telling Naruto to let Sakura be. I was sure, or at least hoped, that the pink-haired girl wouldn't be that bad once he stopped pestering her. "Annoying her until she gives you a chance won't work."

"Ok…" He said looking down. I sighed.

"I heard you are good pranking people." I said trying to keep a smirk as he perked up instantly.

"I'm not good." He said in a low voice. "I'm the best, believe it!" He said giving me a big grin and a peace sign. I chuckled.

"So, that should mean you are good sneaking around…" I whispered as if I didn't want others to hear. He nodded quickly with a serious face. "Do you think you can teach me? As shinobi we'll need that particular skill." I had had this idea just now. Would having instruction affect the levels of the skills?

"I can do that, but you have to help me with my pranks." He said grinning at me. I hesitated. I didn't want to become undesirable number two… To hell with it. Stealth training for the win. I just hoped my theory was right.

"Deal." He swung an arm around my shoulders and started shaking me.

"We are going to be great friends, Eiji." He exclaimed and couldn't stop an amused half-smile.

"Of course, Godaime." I said and he chuckled shyly. He obviously wasn't used to people takin him even half-seriously. By that time, we had arrived at the classroom.

"Godaime. What a joke, hahaha." We stopped walking as Kiba's voice reached us. "He is better than you, Weakling, but he is still not good at all." He pointed out with a smirk.

"Careful who you are mocking, Kiba." Naruto said still grinning. "You are talking with the future Shinobi no Kami, believe it." He said pointing at me, I just shook my head at him while Kiba couldn't even retort because of the fit of laughter he was in.

"Ignore him, Naruto. Dogs are attention seekers like that." I smirked at the blonde that let out a laugh at that.

"Yeah, you're right." Naruto said taking his seat.

"I would shut my mouth if I were you, Weakling." Kiba threatened, not pleased at all with my comeback. I just looked for my things and took them to the seat next to Naruto.

"Whatever you say, Dog breath." I waved my hand in the air. I heard a growl but it was interrupted by Iruka-sensei coming in.

"Let's go outside then, shall we?" He said and we did. Meanwhile I looked at the screen I had summoned this time.


Shuriken Throwing – Lvl 4

Increases accuracy against a stationary target with a shuriken by 40%.

Kunai Throwing – Lvl 3

Game of Shadows by Adrian King1Where stories live. Discover now