chapter 27

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 27

[Quest Complete: Finish your first Root mission.


+1 to all Physical Stats.]

[Chakra has gone up a level.]

I kept quiet as I read over the screen before my eyes moved towards my sensei. Anko was skipping and humming besides me as if I hadn't just ruined someone's business. Granted, nobody would notice for a while, but it was done. 'There's no way she didn't notice, is there?' I thought warily.

Still, regardless of that, she hadn't said a word, and unless absolutely necessary, neither would I.

I took a deep breath in and tried to dissipate the worries in my mind. I had done what I could. Now it all rested on Naruto's and Danzo's hands. Not reassuring at all, but it was what it was. I couldn't do more without a risk of absolutely destroying my new life.

That wouldn't happen.

"So, what you wanna do, little guy?" Anko asked, breaking me from my thoughts. "Are you going to worry the whole day or are you going to do something productive?"

"You mean training? I thought you wanted me to do that less," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I do, but it's better than what you are doing now so, take that as you will," She shrugged.

"Well, I need to cheer up, as you pointed out," I sighed before a small smile replaced the frown on my face. "So, I'm gonna visit the Inuzuka vet, that always helps."

When I didn't receive a response to that, I turned towards my teacher and saw her staring at me. 'Huh, that hadn't happened in a while?' I thought, slightly amused by her expression.

"That's where your girlfriend works, isn't it?" She said after a moment and I sighed. Not the reply I had expected, but that was Anko for you.

"For the last time, she is not my girlfriend," I tried. Not even sure why though, considering just who I was talking with. But I felt like I needed to at least do that much.

"Sure she isn't, brat, sure she isn't."

"Why do I put up with you?" I wondered more to myself than to her.

"Because you train better under my instructions than by yourself?" I hummed at that and it was her time to sigh. "You are supposed to deny that. What happened to not being a training maniac?"

"Well, everyone calls me that already, might as well go with it, right?" I asked back and she groaned.

"Why do I put up with you?" She copied my question.

"Now that's the real question."


"Yeah, I get what you mean," Hana said sympathetically. "I know I'll be feeling the same thing with Kiba when he has to take his first C-rank out of the village."

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