chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 20

'Ok, Eiji... Just do it,' I thought to myself after several deep breaths.

I was currently inside my room with the curtains closed and the door locked. It was already well into the night, so there was't any chance of Naruto needing me for anything. It was the perfect setting to do something that would get the little guy and/or our friends worried. They would call it extreme or something along those lines.

They didn't understand.

'Ok, let's do it,' I nodded to myself, a senbon held firmly in my right hand before, with one last intake of air, I nodded, exhaled and buried the tip of the weapon in my left forearm.

Why? Some may wonder.

I breathed weakly as I slowly started losing the feeling of my limb.

There was a very simple reason for this.

A small, wan smile formed on my face as the effect settled, barely getting past my shoulder but otherwise rendering my arm useless for the next few minutes at least.

A very simple reason, indeed.

[New Skill Acquired: Poison Resistance Lvl 1]

'There it is,' I sighed as I simply sat there and waited for the effects to pass. 'At least I have something to… do in the meantime, I guess,' I added inwardly as I looked up… or to the side. Directions while Wall Climbing… or Sitting, in this case, were weird.

[Poison Resistance – Lvl 1

Reduces the effectiveness of poisons by 1%.]

'So, it reduces effectiveness instead of just damage, that's gonna come in handy if I have to deal with non-damaging poisons,' I nodded, pleased by what I was seeing. I was already familiar with the disappointingly low 1% increase of Resistance skills thanks to Physical Resistance, fortunately.

'Talking about that,' I thought pulling up said skill's screen next to the new one.

[Physical Resistance – Lvl 10

Reduces the damaged received by purely physical attacks by 10%.]

'Well, I'm not gonna be tanking anything anytime soon, but this is definitely nice,' I nodded once more…

'Now, if only this process wasn't so slo-'

[Intermediate Chakra Control Exercises has gone up a level.]

'… Thanks, Game,' I thought meekly.


I hummed to myself one night after a particularly eventful day at the academy, three screens pulled up in front of me.

[Clone Technique – Lvl 1

E-rank technique with which the user creates an illusionary clone of themselves that dispels after taking damage.

Hand Seals – 3

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