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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 4

"I actually feel bad for watching this... fight." I commented cringing at the sight.

"I want to cheer for her but..." Naruto tried to explain ending with just flinging his arms around.

"I get what you mean, Naruto." Chouji said nodding sagely.

"Then focus on our game." Shikamaru said with a bored tone.

"This is almost as sad. I feel like that civilian that sparred against Sasuke."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Why am I playing against you?"

"To escape boredom."

"Right." I sighed.

The situation was quite simple. Shikamaru was beating me in a Shogi match for the... tenth? I stopped paying attention after the sixth to be honest. Chouji and Naruto had joined soon afterwards and we were watching the spars unfold. The current one though, was embarrassing to look at. It was Sakura vs Ino and... it was a catfight. There was no other word that would do the... spar... justice. I was afraid they would start ripping their clothes off, honestly.

With that disturbing thought in mind, I turned my attention to the board. I had started to understand why the Nara's strategic thinking was often described as difficult to describe. There was no way a mediocre writer would find the words to do their brains justice, so it was better left as beyond their comprehension. And that was the case right now. He was beyond my comprehension.

[Shogi - Lvl 5

Increases your strategic thinking while playing Shogi according to skill level.]

The skill had leveled faster than any other that I had. My best guess would be because I had played some chess in my past life and Shogi was like a Japanese version of it. It didn't mean much though. I had never been good and I was sure Shikamaru couldn't tell the difference between a complete amateur and me. There wasn't much of a difference when you played against someone like him.

"Do you have plans for after classes?" Shikamaru asked. I wasn't sure if he was asking me alone or both me and Naruto. He had been making a move so it was difficult to tell. I decided to include Naruto just in case.

"I was planning to go in some Stealth training with Naruto. I've been kind of ignoring him as I focused on the Taijutsu training." I explained and he nodded.

"Wanted to beat Kiba, huh?" He asked indifferently. Of course, he knew.

"More like, didn't want Kiba to beat me." I said lamely and he snorted.

"Stealth training?" Chouji asked curiously.

"Pranking." Naruto whispered loudly.

"I just told you, Naruto. I won't be pranking anymore." I narrowed my eyes at him and he frowned before his eyes widened and started scratching the back of his head.

"Right, I forgot." He replied looking away. I just sighed and made my move. Shikamaru moved instantly and a groan escaped from my throat as I saw I was screwed again. The Nara just smirked my way as I glared.

Game of Shadows by Adrian King1Where stories live. Discover now