chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 15

"Wow, this is easier than I thought!"

"I hate you, Naruto…" I grumbled to myself as I eyed the disaster that was my calligraphy attempts. Turns out that writing with a brush is difficult, who would have thought, right? I could barely tell what I had tried to do with half the kanji in the paper. My eyes moved towards the one in front of Naruto and suddenly I knew how the blonde must have felt when I used Running at the Academy. His writing was already pretty damn good and we had just started.

"It's just that I'm the best, believe it!" He gave me a grin and a peace sign and I returned him a weary smile. I was glad that he had something he was really good at though. Who knows? Maybe all those Seal Master Naruto were right after all.

"Still," I decided to burst his bubble quickly before it got too big. "it's not perfect. You'll have to continue practicing."

"Sure thing. I'll have this down in a minute, just you wait," He boasted before biting his tongue and frowning at the paper while wielding the brush. With a sigh, I followed his example for a minute before a screen finally appeared.

[New Skill Acquired: Calligraphy Lvl 1]

[Calligraphy – Lvl 1

Improves the user's writing by 5%.]

'Well, something to replace Cartography for when I don't feel like training physically, I guess,' I mused to myself before suppressing a groan as yet another unintelligible character appeared on the sheet.

My maps where already pretty good after all, even if the level of the skill wasn't that good. Which is more, I had started a project after charting most of the village. I freed a whole wall in my room and started making a mural-like drawing of the entire village on it, even if it wasn't as detailed as the maps I had already for separated parts.

Soon enough I would have to start making exceedingly elaborate maps or even start again to level the skill. I was leaning towards leaving the skill as it was. The drawings were good enough for me as they were and it would probably level better when working on new things once I started mapping the outside of the village. Entirely new maps would help level up the skill faster. That was my theory, at least. As it was, the skill wasn't bad at all, in my opinion.

[Cartography – Lvl 14

Improves the quality of maps drawn by 70%.]

'Not bad at all,' I mused before focusing once more on the papers. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that studying Fuinjutsu would be a right headache for me. It wasn't for nothing that Seal Masters were rare, after all.


One Month Later

"You are progressing very well, Eiji," Iruka sensei said after what felt like hours of me sitting with a leaf on my face.

[Basic Chakra Control Exercises has gone up a level.]

[Chakra Control has gone up a level.]

'That's a long ass name,' I thought to myself after reading the skill name, not for the first time. I relaxed my control on the chakra and opened my eyes.

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