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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 29

"You don't seem happy, Anko-sensei," I pointed out as respectfully as possible. Yes, my teacher and I kept a rather unprofessional relationship with each other, but there was no need to act as such in public. She already had to deal with enough shit as it was. She didn't need to add having a student that 'didn't respect her' to the list.

"You have no idea, brat," She grumbled as her grip on the mission scroll tightened. "This is not a C-rank. This is a B-rank."

At that, I took a moment to think. C-ranks had been easy so far. Granted, I hadn't actually had to fight bandits, which were as dangerous as the missions could get, but I was pretty sure that I could fight any normal Genin by myself. I would even go as far as saying that I could hold my ground against a low Chuunin. And that was what normal B-ranks were about, as far as I was aware.

"This is not a normal B-rank, is it?" I asked, dread slipping into my voice. Her bitter chuckle certainly didn't reassure me.

"We can't talk about this so publicly," She said instead of answering and I nodded. The worst thing was, she didn't like it and we had still gotten it. That meant one thing. We had to go on this mission.

This was bad.

Mentally, I started going over my new skills and the recently maxed ones.

[Advanced Chakra Control Exercises – Max

Increases the chakra control of the user according to level.]

Chakra Control now sat at a respectable B, which made me both proud and confused. The second one was because I had absolutely no idea how to increase it to A, let alone S or further (if such levels even existed). As far as I knew, I was at the peak of Chakra Control exercises. Maybe Elemental Manipulation? They were close enough to Chakra Control to me, but I could be completely wrong.

[Lightning Release: Lightning Flicker – Max

D-rank technique with which the user infuses lightning on their legs to propel themselves in one direction.

Range – 40 meters

Consumption – 10 Chakra Points.]

I'll freely admit that the Lightning Flicker was my favorite jutsu. Moving at such speeds was absolutely exhilarating to me. And I was immensely happy to have it maxed and be free to dash all over the place with lightning on my feet.

[Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Strike – Lvl 18

D-rank technique with which the user creates a wave of electricity from their hands.]

Hand Seals – 1

Consumption – 11 Chakra Points.]

Electromagnetic Strike was also coming along nicely, actually. And I was really looking forward to using it more now that I could be anywhere in the battlefield at any point with the Flicker at the ready. Using jutsu was a lot easier when you could take your opponent by surprise with a dash and shooting from the side.

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