Chapter 39

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"Hey, Mike. Have you seen..."

Mike is sitting on his bed propped up against his headboard with his laptop playing on his lap. He doesn't notice me at first, not until I step further into the room and stare at Ava who's curled up on her side beside Mike sleeping.

I know they didn't do anything. I more than trust the two of them but that doesn't mean I'm not at least a little surprised. "What the fuck?"

Mike blinks, eyes rounding with shock. "Huh. You don't look drunk and you've spoken more than two words so I would say you're sober. That's a surprise."

I gesture towards Ava who's still sleeping peacefully. "Why the hell is she in your bed? I woke up this morning and when she wasn't there beside me-"

Mike lets out an emotionless laugh, shaking his head at me with disappointment. I frown. "What's so funny?"

"You're really gonna ask me that? Come on, man." He scoffs when I don't say anything but my attention strays towards Ava when she groans.

She stirs, rubbing at her eyes. Her hand swats at the loose curls resting over her face, not noticing me standing in the room. She looks at Mike before typing something out on her phone. Mike nods, gesturing to the laptop.

Swallowing, I smile weakly when her eyes cut to mine but her face goes hard and emotionless as she looks away, jaw clenching tightly.

She types something else on her phone and I tilt my head, puzzled as to why she's even typing in the first place.

"Ava? Could we, ah, talk?" No response, not that I deserve one anyway. Her gaze is still locked on her phone, teeth gnawing on her bottom lip.

Mike notes my confusion and laughs again. "You have so much to catch up on, dude. You've been drunk for over a month."

Over a month? No, it's only been a couple of weeks since Tyler...died. "I don't understand. What's happened?"

Mike just shakes his head in response, turning his attention to Ava when she shows him her phone. The fuck is happening? "Nah, it's fine. You only missed a few episodes before you crashed," He says slowly, "And don't apologize. You were tired."

Ava squints but nods before her eyes flick to me once more before she stands. She ignores me as she makes her way into the kitchen and I trail behind her like a lost little puppy. "Can we please talk?" I plead.

All I get is a raised eyebrow before she switches the kettle on. I scratch behind my neck, wincing when she doesn't answer. "Were you guys just watching a show or-"

Pain flickers in her eyes but she swallows it away, pushing her shoulders back as she raises her chin up confidently. "You think I slept with Mike, don't you?" She rasps, voice thick like she hasn't spoken in a few days.

I blink when I notice the purple bags under her eyes, the light that used to beam bright from her gone. She takes my surprise as hesitation because she scrambles back before bursting into tears. "You really think I cheated on you?"

"No!" I practically shout, "No, Ava. I don't, I promise. I was just wondering what made you so upset that you felt like you couldn't come to me and had to go to Mike instead."

But she's not listening anymore, eyes glued to the ground as her shoulders shake. I want nothing more than to just hold her but I root myself to the ground, clenching my fists.

"I'm done," She whispers, voice strained as sobs work through her, "We're done. I can't do this anymore."

What? Ava flees past me, chest heaving and breathing ragged as she races into her room and I follow, heart breaking as I watch her fumble to pull her suitcase out of the closet and starts throwing random clothing in, trembling from head to toe.

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