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I feel like my flaw is that I am way too quick with things. 

The 12th of December came, and I looked around my room before sighing. Let me take you back to my dream.

Trying to look across my mind for it proved that I had forgotten parts, but I can remember certain parts of it.

Santi's dream ~ Serpent Street Market, 13:25

The dream started with a beautiful skyscape. No clouds were in sight, and there was almost a orangish hue on the surroundings. Sunrays pointed at the skyscrapers around Serpent Street station. Serpent Street was basically the centre for almost everything back then. I don't know how I got there, but dreams aren't known for being consistent. It didn't matter though. Because Aidan was there. With me. He held me like he had possession over me, but in a cute way that wasn't sexual. I didn't know whether me and him were on a date or not, but it definitely felt like it. My heart was racing, almost like the buses racing to get to the bus stop in the distance. Blood ran to my face when Aidan hugged me. I felt like my life had been completed. Until..

Reality ~ 12th December, 06:15, 49 Halldon Road, Southgrove, UK

... I woke up.

It was unrealistic of me to expect a straight man like Aidan to like me back anyways. All boys that are like him care about are their own needs. I took a deep sigh, knowing my life for the next few weeks would be tough, and started getting ready for school.

The clock on my phone struck 6:19 by the time I had started getting myself ready. Although this was my 17th day of starting a skincare routine, the slight burns of the serums was still noticeable. I glared at myself in the mirror. My bathroom was best described as something from 2050 designed as a homage to the 1950s. The teal walls with white accents seemed to always shine and smile, unlike the pitter-patter of the rain that I heard outside. As I applied the final step of the routine - the moisturizer, I checked my phone again. It felt like five minutes, but the clock zoomed from 6:15 to 7:35 without telling me. Sighing, I ran out of the bathroom and ran up the stairs to my room. Putting on my black and red uniform, I opened the front door and yelled goodbye to my parents that were still asleep. 

"They'll eventually hear me," I thought to myself. Halldon Road (the road I live on), looked gloomier than usual that day. The trees had bad posture and the bushes looked malnourished, and to top it all off the 611 raced past in the distance. How was I supposed to get to school now?

12/12, 07:56, East Tillingdon Station, Platform 2, UK

"Due to industrial action, this train will not be stopping at..." the announcement onboard the train said, I felt time freeze as I hoped that the the blue and white display did not utter the place Norman Hill. "Marsh Grove, Sandsend Valley, Sandsend, West Elding, and Norman Hill. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to your journey." Shit.

I hoped that I would make it to school on time.

09:12, Norman Hill Academy

I did not make it to school on time. 

I found my class, painted in a maroon and oak pallet, and accepted the fact that I was bound to be yelled at. At least Aidan was there to distract me from the trouble I was going to be in. 

"And why are you late?" Ms Deansgate asked me, her voice radiating across the classroom. Knowing not to bother defending my case, I sat down in my assigned seat and let time pass. Aidan looked so good that day. His hair looked amazing and it made me wish that I could just stay in that dream I had forever. Classroom noise drowned out my thinking, and I eventually snapped out of it, knowing I had to do the work. Everyone else in that class had someone to speak to and I was just there by myself. It was awkward, but I pushed past it and started doing the work whilst thinking of what I was going to do later. Okay I lied, I was thinking about Aidan.

Almost like telepathy, Aidan turned around and looked at me.

"Hey Santiago," he said, with his soothing voice, "Can you help me with this?"

13:16, Norman Hill Academy

"And then afterwards we had this cute moment where I helped him and honestly, I could feel my heart through my fingers." I said to Hazel, who looked at me with attitude.

"Santi. Do not go through with this. Have you not seen Aidan's reposts on TikTok?" Hazel asked me, concerned.

"No? I only have his snapchat." I responded. I had to repeat myself as Hazel couldn't hear me because of how loud the noise from the canteen was.

"He reposts girls." Hazel bluntly said.

"But.. he could be bisexual? Just forced to be in the closet?" I clapped back, hoping that my theory was correct. "And besides, we're meeting after school at his house anyways."

"For what?"

"He needs more help and he liked the way I helped him. Hopefully that's not the only context he'll allude to when we're dating."

Hazel didn't respond, just giving me an eye-roll jokingly. I matched her response, before we both started laughing again.

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