Chapter 12

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Lucy's POV

After the police took down our statements that night and let us go, I couldn't let Kristen stay all by himself in his room. I concluded that he might need my help so I stayed with him to attend to his needs regardless of how much he told me not to.
He was so bruised and in so much pain. My heart ached each time I tried to clean up his wounds and he flinched or winced in pain.
" You're in so much pain", I said sympathetically.
" I'm not, I'm just thinking I'm in pain and I'm trying to dismiss the thought", I furrowed my eye brows and gave him a quizzical look. I didn't press further so I just let it slide.

After I cleaned his wounds and gave him some pain killers, I helped him to relax on his bed. I sat down next to him and just stared at him.
" Why are you looking at me like that?", he asked as he caught me staring.
" I'm just.....why did you lie to me that you were just going for a walk when you were actually going to meet Amelia?", he stayed silent for a while before answering.

" Well you saw what happened and I already promised you that I wasn't going to let anything happen to you because of my foolishness." My heart fluttered a bit. He didn't want anything to happen to me,I blushed a little and he noticed.
" But you were still foolish to have come, I mean were you actually going to let Alex shoot you first before he killed me?" He just had to ruin the moment. To be honest, I wasn't really thinking when I stood up to Alex. I didn't really know why I wanted to give up my life for him, I just couldn't explain why but I just did it.

" I guess",I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. Kristen just looked at me guilty.
" Anyway,I wanna know what happened. How did you know it was Alex?" He sighed then managed to get up and rest his back on the wall.
" Well it wasn't easy that's for sure and I had my reservations about everything. Finding out it was Alex was the easy part. After that night we got back from the club, a book was missing from my bag but it wasn't the real book. I'd already made a duplicate and kept it in my bag so I'd have more time to study the contents of the book because there was no way anyone would want to steal that book because it contained my personal information, it's pretty useless." I listened attentively.
" When I noticed the book was missing, I waited until Alex was well asleep so I could search around and see if he truly was the one who took it, and I was right. I found the decoy book in an inner pocket of one of his jackets, immediately I got to work. I brought out the real book and went to the bathroom with my laptop to study it extensively. That was when I noticed some strange codes at the last pages of the book."

" I carefully studied it and tried really hard to find out what they were but it just didn't work out. So I decided to gamble with it. I wrote down all the codes before I switched the books and placed the real one in Alex's jacket hoping that when he was going to give it to them, whoever it was would say a thing or two about why they needed the book so badly." He paused and took a mouthful of water before he continued.

" So wherever Alex was going, I made sure I followed. Although it was hard to keep up because of the exams and all, I still managed to follow him. The last time Alex went to your room was the day I got to fully understand everything. Later that night after he left your room, only God knows what you two were so busy doing.....",I smacked him on the arm.
" Owwww! That hurt",he yelped. I just stuck out my tongue and wiggled it at him. He rolled his eyes and continued.
" Anyway, after he left your room he went to an old house and the first person I saw was the same person who gave you the book and said we should trust no one. Isn't that hilarious?",he chuckled lightly. I was just so shocked. I was so confused, I mean why would she give us the book? Why would she tell us to trust no one when she was actually the bad one?

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. She gave us the book for safe keeping so she could have it to herself later on. She was the one who stole the book and when she found out she couldn't hide it any longer, she decided to blame me again for her evil deeds. I told you Lucy, you can't trust anyone in this world. You just have to learn to be by yourself", He said coldly.
"I managed to hear what Alex and the rest of the gang were talking about. Alex only did it for the money so he could buy you a gift, probably because he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend..... sorry about that though". I just looked away, I didn't want to talk about Alex. I beckoned him to continue even though he was skeptical about it but I insisted.

"Somehow, Jake managed to convince him to join their gang so he could get more money instead if waiting on his parents. Jake then revealed what those codes actually were, they were bank accounts and each of them had their codes written underneath it. The accounts held a million dollars each and there were a hundred of them. I was so surprised and afraid thinking they'd get away with all that money but unfortunately for Jake, revenge got him blinded. He planned to kill me first before they shared the money. That was when Alex chipped in saying he knew of a way he could do that." He paused to look at me but I asked him to continue. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. How could Alex do this? Why?

" He said that they'd kill me when I decide to call Amelia and tell her who the spy was. And when I did, she'd ask me to come to the park which would be empty so they could do a clean job. I immediately ran back to the hostel and went over to the police to report. I told them not to come until the whole gang was gathered in the park and they'd confessed so they'd have enough evidence to put them behind bars. And the rest you know". I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, they just came flooding out. How could Alex do this? He was my best friend, my childhood friend, and he just suddenly changed. All because of what? A few bucks just to buy me a dumb present? Or because jealousy got the better of him?

Kristen placed his hand on mine slowly. It felt so warm, I looked at him surprised that he cared. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. I cleaned my tears and rested my back on the wall beside him. We both stared at the door in silence for a while before he spoke up.
" Wanna listen to some music?", I raised a brow.
" You like music?",
" Ofcourse, it's my favorite peace in this chaotic world. It helps in many ways, trust me you'll love it". He said reaching for his phone and earphones. He placed one in my ear and the other in his .

The tunes of the music was really relaxing for me at this moment. I drowned in the music letting the melody take me away. It felt like I was floating on air with my arms wide open. My personal favorites of his songs were Daylight by David Kushner and Anchor by Novo Amor. Their melodies just swooned me away from the world and took me far away from everything I was facing. The music got interrupted by a call. Kristen flinched and quickly picked it up. When he saw the caller ID, his eyes widened and his hands shook.

" What...what is it Kristen?",my voice was laced with concern.
" It''s my dad",he whispered.
" Oh wowww,come on answer the phone. He must be missing you",he scoffed, " yeah right". He hesitated before picking up the phone.
" H- Hello", he stuttered. I wondered why he was acting up. He didn't really talk much,all he kept on saying was uhuhn,yes father, okay and then he hung up.
" So what did he say to you?",i asked excited. The color from his face was completely drained, his face looked more pale.
" Kristen? What's wrong?",
" My dad...he...he asked me to go back home". He looked terrified like he'd seen a ghost.
" You should be happy. Now that the semester's over, you can finally go back home to your family", I grinned. He just shook his head lightly and placed his head in his palms.

" You don't understand", he whispered.

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