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Mals dream:

"Let's give Auradon a taste of evil. Wicked ways beneath the skin... let all who taste it now join in." Mal says before all 5 Vks start laughing maniacally.

"We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
Come on!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey" They all sing rushing into the school to start chaos.

"Crashing the party
Guess they lost my invitation
Friendly reminder
Got my own kind of persuasion" Mal sings while handing Jane an apple. Jane takes a bite out of it and steals Mal's spray bottle ready to graffiti the place.

"Looks like this place could use
A bit of misbehavior
Happily ever after
With a little flavor" Carlos sings putting his arm around Mal's shoulder as they walk away.

Jay is outside throwing apples at the band.
"We're bad to the bone
With even worse intentions We're gonna steal the show And leave 'em all defenceless" Jay sings as he throws an apple into Doug's trumpet.

Evie is in the classroom and places a apple on Fairy Godmothers desk while she isn't looking.
"A fairy tale life can be
Oh-so overrated
So raise your voices and
Let's get it activated" Evie sings as Fairy Godmother takes a bite of the apple and the whole classroom erupts into chaos, paper flying everywhere as Evie stands on two desks.

Celine is with the cheer team handing an apple to...Audrey? She isn't supposed to be here.. oh well..it is what it is. "This rite a passage can be
Oh-so very draining so
Make it different cause
It's yours for the taking." Celine sings as Audrey takes a bite and the cheerleaders break off into a not very 'appropriate' dance.

"Long live havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked
Apple, apple
Dip, dip
Wanna try it?
Tick, tick
Take a bite
Come on, be bold
Change the way the story's told " They all sing as Chaos erupts in the school.

Mal and Evie are giving out "Carmel apples" to people and the next person just so happens to be Lonnie.
"This time the dark is
Finally getting your attention" Mal sings as she sets the apple on Lonnie's tray and Evie waves goodbye. "We're wicked by the book
And class is back in session" Evie sings, throwing a rule book to the side as Fairy Godmother uses Chad's leg as a guitar. "You like it, steal it
Gotta beat 'em to the treasure" Jay sings as the cheerleaders dance around him, including Celine. "A rite of passage" Carlos sings juggling two apples before giving them to Belle and Beast. "Bad just doesn't get much better" They all sing.

"Long live havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked" They all sing chaos erupting everywhere you turn.

"Mother always knows best" Mal sings putting up a flag with her mother's logo on it. "Show her, pass every test" Evie sings flipping through a school book. "Hear her voice in my head" Carlos sings a pair headphones on his head that he takes off supposedly to block out the sound (or "his Mother's voice"). "Evil is the" Jay and Celine sing. "Only real way to win" They all sing meeting up outside.

"We got all the ways to be
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
W-I-C-K-E-D" They all sing. "Let's go!" Jay sings.

"We got all the ways to be
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Long live havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked" They all sing, dancing while Mal sprays green and purple on the Beast statue.

"Cruel and unusual
We're taking control
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked" They sing, everyone dancing and bobbing for apples.

"(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
So many ways to be wicked" They all sing ending the dance Mal kissing her apple and throwing it to see who catches it..who catches..who...

As Mal comes back to reality there is a whole bunch of reporters with microphones and cameras crowding her and Evie. Mal can't help but take the blame for Evie being asked questions. If Mal had never tried to get Evie to help her get out of this, the reporters would have never even known Evie was there. Evie could have gone straight to helping Celine at their dorm room like she had planned.

"Mal, Evie please, over here! Mal! Evie!" One reporter calls for attention. "Only three days to the Royal Cotillion. Ever think girls like you would be Ladies of the Court?" Another one asks. Evie scrunches up her nose at that one. "'Girls like you' the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Evie thought anger washing over her. "How does it feel to be the most envied girls in Auradon?" Another reporter asks. Evie's and Mal's heads are overflowing with questions that they can't figure out answers to before more questions come in. "Well, do you like being blonde?" Another reporter asks specifically to Mal. Mal has dyed her hair blond to fit in more. Evie wanted to dye her hair and after constant complaints from Tatiana she decided to dye it brown. And although Tatiana didn't like the idea of them dying their hair to "fit in" she's fine with it if Evie is. Which she constantly says she is. Ben on the other hand loves the change.

"Ooh...Evie! How does it feel being brunette?" The same reporter asks. Evie's famous, intoxicating, smile slowly dips into a frown. That same reporter slinks back. Evie forces the smile back onto her face. "Is your mother still a lizard?" Another reporter asks Mal, scared of turning Evie's smile upside down. "Okay. All right. Excuse me. Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes." Ben says coming up to Mal. "Did you and Tati ever think you'd be with Villain Kids?" One reporter asks. "We're done here." Tatiana says coming to Evie's side. Evie looks up at her with a genuine smile.

"Okay. Shush, shush. Shoosh, shoosh. Shoosh, shoosh. This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." Fairy Godmother says coming over. "Just one quick question." One reporter pleads. "Shush. Shush." Fairy Godmother says nicely. "Fairy Godmother!" That same reporter whines. "Shhh. Shhh. Shhh." She says ushering them away with her hands. "Thank you, guys." Ben says. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Mal, Evie, and Tatiana say as the reporters walk away. "Mal. Ben. Tatiana and Evie." Fairy Godmother says. "Fairy Godmother." They all reply. Fairy Godmother walks away.

Tatiana looks at Evie. "Sorry.." "About what?" Evie asks, confused. "All this craziness you're going through." Tatiana explains. "Well..there's only one way to get out of this....staying in my room..but...that's basically impossible...." Evie says laughing. Tatiana smiles at her silliness. "Or.. y'all could break up..." Celine suggests, annoyed as she shows up behind Tatiana. They both ignore her suggestion. "I see you have to go...but we should get together sometime...hang out?" Tatiana asks, noticing Celine's annoyed tone.

   Evie looks at her in shock. "Have you already forgot?" Evie asks in disbelief. "About what?" Tatiana asks back, confused. "Yesterday..we said we would have a picnic at the Enchanted Lake on Thursday...I'm making all your favorite dishes." Evie says a bit sad about Tatiana forgetting. "Ohh..right..I'm sorry baby..there's just a lot on my plate.." Tatiana apologizes. "It's fine Tati..I need Mal..see you later." Evie says, obviously still upset because she has basically been slaving herself over the stove, for Tatiana, who can barely even remember that they even had a date. Evie knows she has a lot on her plate but so does Evie and yet she still makes time for Tati.

She goes over to Mal and Ben. "If we don't do a fitting for your gown right this minute, you'll be dancing in your bathrobe, okay? Hi. Let's go. Let's go." Evie says pulling her away. "Bye, Ben." Mal says as she gets pulled away. "Bye." Ben says walking towards his office for the meeting, pulling Tatiana with him.

Word count-1,526

Almost The Fairest Of Them All (Evie X Fem OC reader) 💝🎀Where stories live. Discover now