Gifts, Tourney, truth potions, & talking dogs.

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{I've realized that I have never done it in a Ben's POV or in any boy's POV for that matter so for this Chapter it will either be in Ben's POV if he is in the setting or it will be in no one's POV which is a little harder but it's what's happening so...yeah on with the chapter!} Oh and like I said: Ben's POV:

"Hi, Mal." I say as I come to the locker next to hers and lean on it. "Hi." She greets me as she still puts stuff in her locker while taking other things out. "I have a little surprise for you." I say gaining her full attention which puts a smile on my face. "Again? Wow. That's like every day now." She says, confused but excited. "Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're... even more perfect than I thought." I say popping a pun into my sentence to which she giggles at making a pleased smile show up on my face.

Tatiana walks by and then so does Evie who is following her like a lost puppy. Tati either doesn't care, which is strange because she hates when people follow her because it reminds her of Audrey, or she doesn't notice. I decide to find out which one it is. "Hey Tati! Evie!" I call to which they both turn around, Evie blushing, I'm guessing from being caught, and Tatiana looking at Evie with a confusing look on her face as to why she is there because Evie's class is all the way on the other side of the school. I decide that Tatiana really just didn't know that Evie was following her. Then Tati looks from me to Mal and realizes what we decided to do today. She walks over dragging Evie with her.

"That is me. I am perfect." Mal says, successfully gaining back my attention. A pleased smile shows up on her face. "Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up." I say. "We managed." Evie says. Yes we did. It was a bit rough but we got through every obstacle thrown our way!" Mal agreed. "Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum?" I say seeing Mal's spell book still in her locker. "Is that still in there?" Mal asks slamming her locker shut. Suspicious.

   "Um, I got to get to class. I really don't want to be late." Mal says while trying to walk away but I stop her. "No. You both come this way. First off...Ta-da!" I say as Tati and I show Mal and Evie two bikes. "What?!" Evie exclaims. "OH MY GOSH!" Mal also exclaims. "You like it?" I ask her. "Ben...does an ogre like cheese puffs? This is amazing!" Mal exclaims. "What she said." Evie giggles. "It's purple." Mal gushes. Evie runs her fingers over the blue texture of her bike.

   "I didn't get you anything." Mal says confused as Tatiana, Evie, and I look at her shocked. "You're taking me on a picnic with all my favorite foods, remember?" I remind her. "No, that's Thursday." Mal says. "It is Thursday." I tell her. "No, it's not." She says, laughing. "Yes, it is." I say again. "No, it's not." She retorts again. "It is." I say showing her the date on my phone. "I knew that." She says. "I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine." I assure. "No, no, no. I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. I just have one more thing to go bake, and then I am all yours." She confirms. "Well, what about class?" I ask as her and Evie start walking away. "She multi tasks." Mal says. "She dabbles." I say. "She dabbles." She repeats rushing off. "You're the best!" I yell. "That's me!" She yells back.

   She drags Evie away. "Evie seems to be dragging a lot lately." I say to Tatiana. She just shrugs and walks off to class. I scoff and roll my eyes. She still acts like 7-year-old Tatiana...just more beautiful. Wait I can't be saying that, I have a girlfriend!

Tourney Practice:

   "All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go." Jay says as all the guys line up. "Yeah." Carlos says. "Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde. Keep your center!" Jay says as all the guys start clashing their swords with the other's sword. "Whoa!" Jay says as another person starts attacking him. "Eyes on your opponent! Up and over." Jay says to no one in particular. "Get him, Jay!" Carlos cheers. "Practice." Jay replies. "Watch out, Jay." Carlos says. "Nice!" Chad cheers. "Jay, what happened?" Carlos says as he loses his sword. "Finish him." Chad says. Jay then kicks the sword out of his opponent's hand and catches it. Jay's opponent then takes their mask off to reveal Lonnie.

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