Evie and Mal's gone back to the Isle

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   Mal is in her, Celine, and Evie's dorm and she is stabbing holes into a box. "I don't belong here. Okay. Okay. Okay." Mal says. She goes to pick up her lizard mom. "Let's blow this popsicle stand. Yeah?" She asks her lizard Maleficent as she places her in the box gently. At that moment, Evie bursts into the dorm room. Mal looks at her worridly and wipes her tears.

   "Evie..are you ok?" Mal asks. "No! I--I don't belong here!" Evie says tears flowing down her face. "Date gone wrong?" Mal asks. "Yeah.." Evie replies as her and Mal chuckle. Mal then sees Evie go into her room and come back out in her Isle clothes. "Uh..Evie what's going on?" Mal asks her. "Come on I'm going with you to the Isle, we both don't belong here." Evie says. "Alright Bet!" Mal says as they rush out of the dorm room like little kids. They make it to the lake that leads to the Isle and Evie holds on tight to her bike. Mal takes out her spell book.

   "Noble steeds, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." She says as she holds onto her bike tightly after putting her spell book away. "Okay. Whew. Please work." She says. Her and Evie ride across the water and don't fall in. "Woo-hoo! Yeaahh!" Evie cheers. "Oh!" Mal says as they drive through the barrier.

   They drive through the Isle making their way to a very particular destination. They stop when Mal sees a poster of her and Ben. Ben looks like a pirate and Mal is a Aurora look-alike. On the top is says, 'Royal Cotillion'. Mal takes it off and crumbles it before throwing it behind her shoulder. She sees another one but with a  brunette Evie and a pirate Tatiana. She does the same thing with that one, making a smile slip on Evie's face. They drive and park their bikes. Mal throws a rock at a sign. And her and Evie walk up the steps after the gate comes up.

Meanwhile back at Auradon

   Ben is in his office doing paperwork and Tatiana is sitting on his desk. She's cooled down but she knows Evie most likely hasn't. "Deborah?" Tatiana asks through Ben's speaker thingy. "Yes, Your Majesty?" Deborah answers. "Can you ask Lumiere to call us regarding Cotillion?" Ben asks her. "Yes, sir." She replies. "Thank you." Ben answers.

   There is then a knock on the door. "Ben?" Celine says opening the door. "Celine! Come on in!" Ben says. "Oh good..Tati is here too, that'll make it easier." Celone says. "What's wrong?" Tatiana asks. "Evie and Mal’s gone back to the Isle." Celine says handing them both a note. They start reading them. "Ben…Tati..." Celine says handing Ben his ring and he finishes reading his note. Celine hands Tatiana her necklace and Tatiana takes it as she continues reading her note which is a bit longer than Ben's. "This is my fault. This is my fault." Ben says. "I-I blew it. She’d been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her. I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and--and beg her to come back." Ben says. Tatiana finally finishes her note. She looks up. "Well, looks like I'm going with you." Tatiana says.

   "Guys, you’ll never find them." Celine says. "-I--" Ben starts. "Y'all need to know how the Isle and how it works and...you'll have to take me with you guys." Celine says. "Yes!" Ben says with no hesitation. Tatiana shakes her head. "Uh are you sure?" Tatiana asks. "Yeah. Their is my best friends.." Celine says looking out the window. She turns around. "And we'll bring the boys too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now." Celine explains. "Thank you!" Ben says. "Alright, okay." Tatiana says.

   "But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again." Celine says worried. "I promise." Ben says. "I swear on my life!" Tatiana justifies. "And there's no way you guys are going looking like that." Celine says. Tatiana chuckles. "Understandable." She says. "I think I look fine." Ben says. Celine looks him up and down. "Nobody will believe that you're from the Isle in those clothing, and lucky for you they wouldn't believe you're from Auradon either." Celine says. Ben stands there shocked. "Respect." Tatiana says dabbing Celine up.

Almost The Fairest Of Them All (Evie X Fem OC reader) 💝🎀Where stories live. Discover now