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Harry's P.O.V

I was in the living room watching TV at two in the morning . I was living with my best friend , Y/N , and I just finished my where we are tour from 3 months , Y/N was in the next room , so I had the Volume down super low , but when I heard her feet dragging out of her room sluggishly , I wondered if it wasnt low enough.
"I am sorry , Did I wake you ?" I asked as I turned around to greet her eyes with mine. They were tired and half shut , her hair clinging to her face , her shirt hanging off of one of her shoulders , she shook her head and walked up to me as I muted the TV . "What's up ?" I asked , she simply picked up a pillow and placed it on my lap and plopped her head down on it , facing the screen as she pulled her knees to her chest.
"You alright ?"
"I just cant seem to get to bed lately" she said groggily yawning .
"Aw" I said , brushing my fingers lightly through her hair.
"Tell me a story?" She requested , her voice sleepily and adorable . i lifted my breath to start.
"Once upon a time there was a princess . She lived in a castle with her prince but she didnt ....exactly notice him yet" She turned onto her back and looked at me interested .
"You see , the boy lived in the castle , but he was a servant . They were only best friends , the boy was inlove with the princess, but considering who he was , he didnt think they could ever be together , let alone have the princess feel that way about him . The princess was stunning she had a long brown hair and sparkly hazel/browny eyes . She lit up the room when she walked in and turned heads , she absolutely beautiful " .
She lifted herself up and sat next to me , her face turned towards mine waiting for me to complete .
"So one day the servant boy went to the princess's chambers , only to be stopped by guards . They told him that he was not worthy for the princess and that he was nothing more than a servant and she was a great and magnificent royal , the boy believed that it was her doing , that she didnt want anything to do with him , so he left" she was looking at me with concerned as she was living the story .
"What happened next ?" She asked curiously . I smiled and wiped my thumb softly on her cheek "The boy set off . The one reason he stayed in the castle was for the princess anything he did was for the princess , he lived her after all . But he was no longer able to see her" Her expression was now sad . "The servant boy made his way to a new kingdom to work for a different family of royals , knowing he could never be the princess's prince . To his surprise , when he reached the small land , he could have sworn he saw a servant girl looks exactly like the princess he loved" .
Her eyes went wide and she held into my arm and I continue "he tried to shake it off not believing that the princess would have followed him all the way to the town posing as a servant to see him considering that the girl didnt care about him . A week passed and he tried to ignore the girl , but finally she took him by the hand , and pulled him into a kiss . At first he was confused as why this stranger was kissing him , but she was no stranger . She was his princess , He knew it the second she touched him , the boy felt stupid for thinking that the princess didnt care about him . He should have known that she was pure of heart , and it didnt matter to her if she was royal or a poor servant . They lived in a small house between a beautiful valley , they were just and they lived happily ever after" .
When I ended the story , a single tear escaped her eyes as a sight grin appeared on her face.
"Why are you crying ?" I asked whipping her tear away as it ran down her cheek .
"You know I get really emotional when I am tired " She said smiling , sniffing as she rubbed her eyes .
"Did you like it ?" I asked as she slide her fingers in the space between mine "I loved it , thank you" she whispered kissing my cheek sweetly .
"Come on princess" I said picking her up and carrying her back to her room . I laid her particularly weightless body under her covers , gave her forehead a kiss and went to walk away , but I felt a tug in my shirt "Stay here in with me , please ?" She asked and I slide under the mound of blankets with her . She hugged my chest tightly and rested her head over my heart as I wrapped my arm around her back , her hair brushing up against my chin , she fell asleep instantly , which surprised me since she had been having trouble getting to sleep lately . I hoped that one day she would realize that I had always been her prince and that we would live happily ever after .


A/N : welcomeee to my writings back xD I hope you like it

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