Dangerous NM

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A/N : Hello sweties here is the new imagine , I hope you like it !❤️

Liam's P.O.V

"Harry" Y/N cries, coming down the stairs to the basement area.
All the boys look over to where she's standing, her hands on her cheeks, wiping away her stream of tears, making her way toward Harry. He looks at her like his entire world is ending. His arms reaching out toward her, his entire body nearly drowning in his concern.
"My Angel." Harry says softly.

Y/N crawls over, hiding herself into his side. His entire attention is on her, everything else around him a complete blur. Both of his arms are protectively wrapped around her his head at his side so that he can look directly into Y/N's eyes.
Y/N's ex boyfriend has been harassing her, sending her threatening emails and leaving disturbing phone calls. It's been going on ever since Harry and him were involved in a street fight, but her ex hasn't given up on throwing Harry over the edge. However, Y/N hasn't let Harry do anything about it, and he followed her request.
"He just won't stop." Y/N sobs, every inch of her body shaking with dear.
Harry keeps rubbing her arm with his fingertips, kissing away all the tears that fell from her bambi eyes. His heart breaks with every tear. She doesn't deserve the fear and haunt she's been living in the last few months. But as selfish as it sounds, Harry lives for protecting her.
"I hate seeing you like this" Harry whimpers delicately in her ear, kissing her, petting her, doing everything he can to calm her down.

"I-I'm sorry It's just-"

"Y/N, just get over it! Stop crawling into the arms of your boyfriend, get off your ass, and you do something about it. Fucking christ." Zayn seethes, throwing her a harsh glare.

Y/N's cries stop, her arms tightening around Harry. She didn't want it to seem like she couldn't do anything herself, but there's nothing that she can do, not without being in severe danger.
Harry starts to tense, holding Y/N closer and harder to the side of his body. He turns to look at Zayn, looking at him as if he's his next piece of prey, ready to destroy his every inch if Zayn pushes him hard enough.

"Do not speak to her like that!" Harry barks.
He places the palm of his hand on top of Y/N's ear while he presses her other ear to the side of his chest, preventing her from hearing his harsh tone.

"She hasn't done anything herself, Harry. She's just using your strength to her advantage, who else is gonna fight her own shitty battles? She's so fucking immature. I can't stand her."

Harry's breathing becomes harsh, his face turning red with anger, his hands clenched so tight that the veins in them are bulging through the skin. This is a whole new level, this is an entirely new feeling of rage pumping into his blood, bubbling in his chest. Not his girl, nobody says that to his girl.

"That's not true!" Y/N yells, "I love him with all my heart, I love him so fucking much, how dare you say that?! You have no right to say something like th-"
"Go to the bedroom" Harry interrupts her.
His voice is as soft as he can manage, but it's not nearly as soft as it normally is when he speaks to her. No, it's far more sinister.
Y/N turns to him, cupping his face in her hands, caressing the softness of his cheeks. She's not going to be the reason someone gets hurt.
Her eyes are desperate when they meet his. His eyes change to a lighter shade of green when he looks at her, but they're not how they should be, he hasn't come back to her yet.
"Harry, listen to me. It's okay, it's okay baby. You don't need to hurt him for me. Harry-Harry look at me"
she demands, his enraged eyes ripping away from Zayn to look at her again.
"I'm fine. Do you see? I'm okay, nothing's wrong. I'm fine."
"The way he spoke to you-"
"I know. It's okay. It's okay. I love you, Harry."
He squeezes his eyes tight, because he can't be angry when he hears those words, not at anybody, not when they're said by her.
"God, fuck, Y/N , I love you so much. But he can't get away with saying that to you, not to you. To me, maybe, but not to you. Nobody can say that to you, not here, not with me."
"No-no, Harry. Don't hurt him because of me, please."
He places the palm of his hands against his ears, thrashing his head side to side. He can't let Zayn get away with this, but she's making it happen, and he can't let it. The way Zayn spoke to her, what he said to her, how he said it to her, repeating in his head over and over again. He can't let Zayn speak that way to her, not his angel, not without knowing what he's done wrong.
"Niall, please. Bring her to the bedroom and make sure she can't hear anything. God, Niall, please, before I lose my fucking control in front of her."
Y/N shakes her head vigorously. She's mumbling "no" continuously under her breath, trying desperately to take his hands away so that he can hear her, listen to her. She needs to make him stop, she needs him to know she's scaring her.
Niall wraps his arms around Y/N's waist, pulling her away from Harry. He knows to do what Harry says, otherwise the situation will be worse, and he can't let that happen while Y/N is around.
"Come on, Y/N . You just have to let him do what he has to do."
"No!" she yells, "I don't want him to hurt Zayn. I don't want him to do it!"
After trying to rip away from Niall's grip, Niall finally manages to rip her away from Harry. She's squealing, crying, because this is the last thing she wants. She can't imagine what she'll see when she comes back downstairs, how horrid the sight will be when she has to face Harry again. No. She has to stop this.
When Niall gets her up the first step, Harry storms toward Zayn. Endless curses, endless screaming. Every sound is echoing off the wall, everything is happening so fast. She can hear it, she can see it, but it's all going in slow motion. Everything is a blur, she can't breathe. Her chest is tightening, her stomach is churning, everything is happening so fast.
"You're scaring me." She whispers, closing her eyes as tight as she can, trying to stop the images in her head.
"You're scaring me, Harry! You're scaring me!" She screams, dropping onto the staircase.
Harry stops everything. Her cries are surrounding the room, closing in on him. He can't find the strength to turn around yet, he can't look at her the way she is. He looks down at his hands. They're full of blood, shaking from fear, mocking at him, laughing at him, spitting on him. He looks at Zayn on the ground, panting heavily as his hand is on his chest.
This isn't who he is. This isn't him.
"Y/N.... , No." he mumbles, rubbing his hands up and down his face, "Please. Please, no. Please. This isn't me, this isn't who I am, Y/N , angel, please."
He finally turns to look at her. Her fragile body crunched in a ball. Her face is soaking with tears, drowning in her fear. He looks down, panting heavily. He can't believe he did this to her, to his angel, he can't believe he did this to her. This is so much worse than what anybody could do. He made her scared of him. He's suppose to make her feel save.
"I didn't want-I didn't mean to scare you. I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't control it and I-please don't be scared of me, please. I can't live with myself."
She sighs. She knows that this isn't who he is, this is who he hides behind. He's so hurt, so mentally damaged, that this is who he hides behind in order to make himself feel worthy of something. She knows that who he is, is who she sees. The most gentle, fragile, most emotional man she has ever laid hands on. That's who he is, so severely damaged, so fragile. That's who Harry is.
She slowly sits up from the stairs, walking fearlessly toward him. When he looks up, he looks at her like his entire world is in front of him. She knows that, she knows she's the only one that can build him up again. She loves it, and she loves him.
She cups his face in her hands again, looking at him with so much sympathy. She love how delicate he really is, when his eyes are a light shade of green, nearly glistening, and his hands are tender and loving. All for her, and she can't get enough.
"I know, Harry, I know. It's okay" she whispers, wiping the remnants of his tears with the pads of her thumb.
She presses her lips slightly to his. He holds her harder.

"You aren't scared of me, right? Please don't. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no please don't." he sobs.

"I'm not, baby. Not at all. I know you'd never do that to me. You just need someone to watch you and protect you when you know you'll do something you'll regret" she coos, leaning her face into his shoulder.

Harry shakely inhales, sniffling while reaching for her tiny hands. He holds them, so delicately, almost like he's scared to squeeze too hard.
He can't do anything wrong, not now.
"W-will you? Will you w-watch me when I'm like this? Protect me?"

She smiles, letting go of one of his hands to rub his cheek again. She knows petting him is his weakness, her touch is his weakness. He smiles, nuzzling his cheek into her fingers, closing his eyes. His hand lets go of hers to grab the one on his cheek, holding her hand there for reassurance.

"I will, but you can't keep pushing me away. It's the only way I can help you."

Harry brings her hand up to his lips, holding her hand against the lower part of his face, kissing her skin repeatedly.

"No more. No more pushing away. No more" he promises, shaking his head.
He'll do anything for her, anything in this world. And if it means he needs to stop being someone that takes over him, he is willing to do it. Anything for his angel.
"Hey," Y/N whispers, pressing her forehead against his, "I love you. Okay? Nothing on this planet could ever stop that from happening."

Harry's lips quiver, choking out another strong cry. "I love you so much that it makes me worry all the time."

She nuzzles her face in his neck, breathing in his scent that always tends to make her feel protected.

"Don't worry, my love, I will always love you," she whispers, peppering kisses on his neck, "even when your demons become too strong" she loves him so much because she know her Harry , the real Harry shows up when he is happy , when he ll be on stage with us with his best mates , but the shocking , the angry Harry that no one knows when his Anger comes , but she ll always be their to protect him , their fairytale will never end .❤️

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