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There was an interview for One Direction as always but this time it would be different for Harry as the interview started with ..

Interviewer : So the boys recently admitted to us that Harry is been taken for 10 months now ,with a girl named Y/N ? Is that true Harry?

Harry: Yes , I won't deny it. And I'd like to announce that the 4 boys will be killed later by a serial killer with the last name Styles.

Int: Hahhaahhaha So, could you describe her to us?

Harry: She's great. She has beautiful eyes and really nice personality. She's a good keeper I think. She's very understanding and I really love her being her.

Int: Wow, that's good 'coz we're now with her! She's on the line! Hello Y/N ! How's your day?

Y/N : I'm good, thanks. Hi Harry!

Harry: 😱😅Hey babe

Int: So let's have a game. Let's see , How much of things Harry knows about you Y/N, would that be good?

Y/N : Yup hahahaha !

Harry: I'm really, really nervous now. *laughs nervously*

Int: Hahahaha that's okay Harry. We only have five questions, you don't have to worry. So for the first question, what is Y/N's favorite colour ?

Harry: She have 3 actually Purple , Red and Black !

Int: Is that right, Y/N?

Y/N : Yeppy !

Int: Well done, Harry ,That's right. What is the first movie she cried to?

Harry: The Notebook. Oh, I was there when she broke down. Tissues are everywhere and I kept on rubbing her back. *smirks*

Y/N : Harry! You don't have to add the tissue thing!

Int: Aww, that's so sweet. So you have two points! Ready for the next?

Harry: Yeah.

Int: What's her favorite song of your band?

Harry: Something Great,
because I wrote it. *laughs* No, honestly, she told me that, that was the song that speaks for her.

Y/N : Harry is correct, though I also love it cuz I guess it speaks for every Directioners around the world too not just cuz he wrote it , duh !.

Harry: But my favorite Directioner is you.

Int: That was rommmaaatiicclllyy cringy.
For the next question, what is Y/N's favorite all-time movie?

Harry: Um, Finding Nemo?

Y/N : No Harold!

Harry: HAHAHAHA Um, 50 First Dates?

Y/N : Seriously? XD

Int: Okay, so everyone, we have a little lovers' quarrel here?

Harry: I'm just kidding! It's Titanic.

Int: Is that true Y/N ?

Y/N : Yes, it's true *blushes*

Int: Wow! Great! That's really good! And for the last question, what is her ideal date look like?

Harry: It's a date on a rooftop, while watching the great night sky. And I'm actually looking forward on doing this with her. And Y/N , I've got a day off for tomorrow, so will you do it with me?

The End !!

A/N : this one is a little bit different , hahahaha hope you guys like it cuz it happens once in a life time xD #Jxx.

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