Haunted House

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Warning : its a bit scary , so if you dont like scary things dont read it , I hope you like it

"Her father killed her here, you know." Harry said from behind you.

"What? Who?" You turned around to face him, urging him on. You had just moved into a new home for the Summer, a little cottage for the two of you. It was right outside the city of London where you two were able to get away for a bit. Cute and Quaint, is what you had called it.

"A little girl, about the age of ten. Her father, a well known guy round the town. One night, he had had too much to drink or something, and his daughter, Emily, was in his way. He obviously wasn't all there when he did it. Murdered her, I mean."

"How'd you find all of this out?"

"It's on the website. This is a historical part of town, I presume. They did write about it," He said, answering your question then pointed to the screen of his laptop.

"So, is this place haunted? Why'd we have to pick this place to rent out for the Summer?" You whimpered, fear hanging on to your words.

"Because it has a nice little garden in the back and a swimming pool as well. We can go swimming and such. And besides, if I knew about what had happened here, I wouldn't have chosen it."

"I guess so," You compromised. "Maybe we should get some rest, it is rather late, and we can walk around tomorrow to see what there is to do, yeah?"

"Yeah, let's get to bed, babe. Lemme just change into my boxers."

It was pitch black outside, the songs of crickets played in the grassy woods. The only light was from the candle that you had lit, not wanting to use up all of the electricity.

Harry was opening the dresser drawer, where you had both put your clothes. He was looking for a t-shirt but picked up something else. "Babe," He laughed, "I didn't know you still keep dolls." He picked up the little doll showing it to you.

"I don't, nor have I ever." You retorted, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Then whose is it?"

Just then, the voice of a little girl spoke, "Daddy? Is that you?"

"Haha, Jana, very funny." Harry laughed, thinking it was you.

"What?" You asked, looking at him.

"I heard you just now." He said back, nodding his head.

"You're out of your mind, I didn't say anything, only when you asked about that doll. It's not mine."you answered and started to shake in fear.

"It's the girl's. It's Emily's, she left it here."

"Stop that, now you're scaring me. I thought this was just a doll for someone !? Maybe it's just to attract tourists," You reasoned shaking.

"Alright,babe calm down I am coming" he said when he heard your trembling voice while placing the doll neatly back in the drawer . "Can you flick on the lights for a sec? I can barely see, even with the candle light on."

"Yeah sure, hold on." You got up to turn them on, only to find it not working. "H-Ha-Harry, they're not turning on."

"They were just working earlier, how come they aren't wor-" he was cut off right as the candle blew out, and a faint laugh of a little girl in the distance.


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