Just Feel It

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''Why are you giving me silent treatment? What did I do now?'' he asked again and I just laughed low.
The thing is that last night we ended up having a fight about him leaving for two days because he wanted to go to Australia with the lads for a holiday. We fought about him not understanding why I'm upset and not wanting him to leave. I'm not really that upset about him leaving, it's the part where he didn't ask if I wanted to go with him.
Because I asked Liam and Louis if their having their gfs with them and they both said yes. So that got me even more upset that Harry didn't even think about me on the trip. Is he ashamed of me, embarrassed or something, is that why he doesn't want me with him. I don't want to ask him why he didn't want me with him because he'll feel like he needs to take me with because I suggested it. I kind of want him to want me to come with, not self invite me on the trip.
I got up from the couch walking up the stairs to our shared bedroom. I can't stand being with him right now because it feels so depressing that this simple thing is making me so sad, him being like this. So oblivious to what's happening.
''Seriously , what's going on? You've been silent since last night's fight. You know I really want to go, for a few days just to relax and have fun. It's nothing more. I'll be back after a week or so. Don't be so angry about this.'' He said and I heard his voice raise at me.
I kept my eyes on him watching as he seemed to get angrier and angrier just like last night. ''Why do you need to be so damn clingy? I just want time to relax'' he almost yelled at me and that's enough. My eyes watered immediately as I opened my mouth to yell but then I just froze.

''I'm happy for you, go have fun Harry. You need time to relax and have a good time alone with the boys. Go, I'll.. Oh... Emm.. I'll go to my mothers. Have fun'' I said walking up to him giving him a weak smile kissing his cheek.

Walking down the stairs to our front door I grabbed my jacket, taking on my shoes and taking my purse. ''Wait why are you leaving? It seems like it's good bye....or a break up ??? Why are you so fucking angry over this?'' he snapped running after me.
''I said fine, what more do you want from me? Huh? Do you want me to get a damn beer and cheer with you. I said go, then fine go.'' I yelled back walking quickly to my car and driving away not looking back. Somehow after an hour I ended up at Liam's door. He's my best friend, the one I have the most contact with when it comes to the boys in the band.
''Jana !!!! Hiii'' he quickly hugged me as he opened the door. I smiled thought the tears falling slowly and silently. ''I...I.. Ouh don't know why I'm here'' I shuttered and Liam backed away looking at me, his eyes dropped worried taking my arm and bringing me inside. He took my jacket off and I slowly took the shoes off.
He walked with me to his living room and we sat down on the couch facing each other. ''Am I really that clingy?'' I asked sobbing just a bit not the one to fall apart in front of others. ''What are you talking about?'' he asked but I ignored the question. ''Are you all embarrassed by me, ashamed to be around me. I mean I know I'm not the prettiest girl, I know I'm not good enough but.... I gave him everything, all I am.'' I said suddenly feeling like I'm alone in a dark big room. I am alone. ''Jana your scaring me, did Harry do something? You're beautiful, and we're happy to have you with us every time we can. You're so brilliant, so funny and caring....'' As he continued talking I zoomed out into space just staring into infinity of nothing.

''It-it-it's... Always l-l-like this... Nobody want me around.... I asked-asked Harry if I could come on tour to visit him so-so... Many times but he... Said he's soon coming home.. So I didn't keep asking... He said I'm clingy... So... I'll just-just-just leave... Let you all.... Alone...'' I shuttered suddenly standing up and walking away from Liam.
''Stop scaring me. You're freaking me out. Please just stop, I'll call Harry wait here'' Liam yelled trying his best to stop me, my feet kept on walking. Without my jacket, without my purse only my shoes on. When I saw the night fall around me making it quickly dark I walked to the closest park and I sat down by the water on a bench.

What am I doing? Why am I suddenly becoming this crazy person. Walking away from Liam's apartment alone without my phone and without my car. They're probably freaking out and it's all my fault but I feel so depressed. Am I over reacting?

Thinking over what I'm doing I found myself walking back to Liam's place only to be met by both Liam and Harry running towards me. ''Babe thank god, I thought you might have died or worse!'' Harry yelled running into me almost making me fall as he hugged me tightly.
''Jesus, seriously Jana ,You scared me'' Liam said smiling softly. Harry stepped back looking at me concerned but sad and hurt. ''Baby I had no idea you felt what you did. You should have told me. I'm so sorry love. I never knew you wanted to come with me. I just assumed it was okay. But now I know I was a compete asshole, I'm the worst boyfriend. Come with me everywhere.'' Harry said his eyes becoming blurry with tears as he confessed opened up to me.
''Thank you, and I'm sorry to.'' I whispered still hurt by his words. ''No, there's something more.'' He said back confused and I saw Liam walking away leaving us alone outside in the dark. ''I don't want to come with you. I know I'm clingy so don't feel pressured and sorry for me and invite me. I'll be home if you need me.'' I said backing away and walking to my car. ''Wait, your upset over what I said. I didn't mean it Jana I'm sorry. I know what I said was wrong and I was angry, no.. I'm sorry, And I swear Going anywhere without you is depressing but i just thought that you need a break from me , but I'm not going to make an excuse for it because I love you and only you in this world. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Your perfect to me Jana , You are perfect. Inside out, flaws everything'' he said to me as I sat in the car seat with him in my door.
This is where I forgive him, I love him. He knows from now on not to make this mistake. He's now my only man, and I'm his only girl. He knows me better then myself and I do to him.



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