Part 23

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Chapter 14


Yesterday's events still rang in his head; even after an entire sleepless night, he had failed to grasp the sheer absurdity and severity of just what had happened in these very Halls.

He had expected the day to be eventful. Meeting a Freemen Naib was going to be interesting. And it had been Stilgar, which had been quite a surprise. He had learned much about the Fremen from their short meeting and gained both an understanding and respect for the people carving out a life for themselves in the harsh desert.

They had been, as he expected, hard people, tightly knit, and honorable as well. He could deal with them, slowly, and with adequate time, he had hoped to bring them to his side to use them against the eventual Harkonnen's or Crown's misadventure.

Yet Inzal Kazab had blown everything away, and he still tried to grasp the truth about the young man's identity. An identity that made this whole ordeal a lot more complex. His whole existence was one hidden secret after another, a Prince estranged and persecuted at his birth for reasons Jessica was hesitant to mention, showing him that this was somehow related to the Sisterhood.

It had been a betrayal to him as well, for he was not lost to the rumors and disgust affronted to the Sisterhood, by many people, believing themselves to be instruments of great collusion, and now as he learned more and more of their order, he could see the truth in those words.

An Abomination, she had labelled him. A child born with the consciousness of his predecessors stirring inside him, a fate he found in his ancestors' records. Yet, to condemn a child to such a destiny felt unbearably cruel. The thought of such a child inheriting the Imperium was a moral quandary he couldn't escape.

And yet he still loved her, loved Jessica despite all her secrets, knowing in his heart that she loved him enough, and now yet she was to bear him another child. A daughter, she had speculated, and he knew that he had to do something.

Their enemies were at their doors, and he had little time to prepare.

It was why he sat opposite the Keeper of the Change, the Imperial Ecologist, Liet Kynes.

"I believe you must have heard that there was an attack on my heir," he began, and the Imperical Ecologist nodded. Her long black hair was tied in a braid, and she wore a Fremen stillsuit.

"Indeed, and I was relieved to learn of Young Master Paul's safety," she replied, and her tone held no remorse, no surprise as if she was describing a simple change in weather and not a full violation of the norm and law in such circumstances.

"What is not known is that we caught the man operating the hunter-seeker used in the assassination," he began, and the doctor showed no reaction.

"He was found hiding in the walls, a Harkonnen spy," he began.

"That is a grave accusation, I hope you have a confession or sufficient evidence to back it up," the Doctor added making his temper rise, his behaviour, his words continued to give more and more credence to Kazab's words, that it was not just House Harkonnen moving against them.

"Unfortunately, the man killed himself before he could be interrogated, but..."

"Then I am afraid nothing, my lord. Nothing but empty wor...."

"DAMN YOU!" he cursed as his temper flared up.

"They tried to kill my heir! MY HEIR!" he roared as the doctor reeled back, surprised by his anger.

"They have destroyed the equipment and supplies, have sabotaged the whole spice mining operations. It took us days to get this whole castle in order, and now they have also attacked my heir. My family, and yet you sit hair giving me platitudes!" he roared, and the doctor seemed surprised by his rage and took a second to compose himself.

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