Do it again and see what happens

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Ponyboy's P.O.V.
After I talked to Malia for a bit it got really quiet, and we still had pretty far to go to school. I just stood there and tried not to stare at her she was really pretty, I really liked her, but I knew she would never liked me. She hated the world and everyone in it except for Johnny for all I knew. We walked into the school and waved bye to me I think she even smiled at me, I waved bye and all I could think about was her. It was a normal day I walked in the hallways, and there was the normal "Greaser!" or "Go get that grease out of your hair, greaser!" I didn't even care that much. After my first few periods had English next which was my favorite class, and even better Malia was in it. I walked in and saw Malia she didn't really pay attention to me, but she sat right next to me since it was the only open seat ,and lucky me we had permanent seats. We were told that we had another writing assignment due and we had to world with the person sitting next to us, my day is going so well. Me and Malia started the project and what we wanted to write about.

"So, Pony what should we do for the title and what should it be about?" Malia asked me but I was zoned out staring at her face "Pony." Malia started waving.

I snapped back "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." I said laughing while blushing

"Well you need to start thinking about we have to write about." She said with a smile

I thought maybe she didn't hate me she was nice to me most of the time, but sometimes she can be a bitch. The bell rang for us to go to lunch so I started packing my things up and walked out the door.

Malia's P.O.V.
I packed up my things and catches up to Ponyboy, we talked in the way to lunch about our project, soon we got there and I got in the opposite line of Pony and the soc girl in front of me looked older than me and started talking shit on Johnny.

"Nobody even knows he existed, he was really weird anyways." The soc girl said

I let it go it's fine it was only minor and then she kept and saying all these things about Johnny and just got worst.

"Why don't you stop talking shit on my older brother" I said with a pissed expression

"Make me nobody even cared about him not even your guy's own parents"the soc said laughing.

"Do it again and see what happens!" As I got up in her face.

"Aw look the little greaser is getting mad, I wonder if her brother killed himself so he could leave her!" She laughed. She was about to say something else but I punched her straight in the nose. I looked at her and her nose was dripping with blood and so was my knuckles, she swung at me and dodged it. I swung at her again and hit her right in the jaw knocking her out. "That's why you don't talk shit on my brother!" I yelled and spat on her. I went to go walk away and the principal stopped me and when I was walking out Pony was standing there with his jaw wide open but the quickly turned into a smile with lots of blush. I felt something running down my face and I touched to see what it was. It was blood she must have scratched me with her fake ass nails, and then I was in the principals office.

Ponyboy's P.O.V.
I cant believe what I just saw Malia just beat a Soc's ass. I was proud of her because the Soc deserved it, and Malia wasn't going to leave it at that she will make sure that girl lives in hell. I saw her walk by she had a big cut on her face, my mouth was wide open. It quickly turned into a smile and my face was hot, and red. Malia was gonna be in huge trouble with Darry. I looked over and people were trying to wake up the girl she wasn't, so I walked away I looked over and she was waking up but looked confused. It was soon the end of the school day, normally I walk home with Malia but I didn't see her so I just kept on walking, when I got home Malia was on the couch sitting and Darry and Soda were standing there, waiting for me.

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