You weren't wrong

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Malia's P.O.V.
When I passed out I could feel somebody catch me, I wasn't out for long maybe about a minute. I looked up to see Soda.

"Malia your mom left, so it's okay we're gonna go back into your room." Soda said while picking me up

"You sure had a lot to say to her." Pony said with a smile. I wasn't in the mood for talking if I did I would probably start crying.

"Oh c'mon Pony don't joke around about it." Soda said to Ponyboy. Winnie came back in for what seems like the 50th time today.

"Is she okay, I wanted to check on her, but I had to get Mrs. Cade." She said with a concerned tone.

"She's doing good." Soda said for me

"Alright we'll I'm going to send the doctor in to check on you, okay." Winnie said with a smile and walked out.

"I have to go to work, will you be good." Soda asked me

"Yeah." I whispered I didn't feel like I was gonna cry anymore. Soda walked out the door and the Doctor came in.

"Hey Malia, so you just passed out?" He asked, I shook my head yes.

"Okay you passed out because you were yelling, which causes you to use a lot of air." Dr.Haines told me "You just need to take it easy for today and hopefully get you out tomorrow."

"Okay." I replied. He left and once again it was just me and Pony. I'm happy he's here but he's here all the time like just go home.

"You were real brave for saying that to your mom." Pony said to me

"She needed to hear it, I was wrong though." I said

Ponyboy took a pause "you weren't wrong, she has caused you more problems than you cussed her. Johnny is dead because of her." I could tell he had a hard time saying it."


Soon it was 12:30 Pony and I were just sitting there talking when Soda came bursting through the door. "She's here you ready to meet her?"

Me and Pony looked at each other and said "yes!" At the same time. Soda grabbed her hand as she walked through the door. She was real pretty she had blonde hair and blue eyes, with pale skin. She looked about 5,8 not much shorter than Soda. Her hair was medium length and had curtain bangs.

"Meet Diane" Soda said, she waved

"Hi I'm Diane. It's really nice to meet y'all" she said with a smile

"Hi I'm Malia Cade, I'm a friend of Soda's. I'm 13." I said with a big smile

"And I'm Ponyboy." He said just like me

"Hello, may I come in" it was Dr.Haines

"Yeah" I yelled

"We looked at your tests and you're good to go home today." He said with a fake smile, I could tell he probably does it all the time.

"I can finally go home!" I said with excitement

"How long have you been in here?" Diane asked me

"Only three days but it feels like forever." I said. Winnie came in with my clothes.

"It was real nice getting to know all of you guys, tell Darry I said hi." She said as handing me my clothes. I walked over to the bathroom and it was the clothes I showed up in. I picked up my white shirt I had on it had so faint blonde stains and a hole were I was stabbed, so I threw on my leather jacket. I picked up my jeans and unfolded them and a little note fell out. It said:

Malia, I trust you with this note, please give it to Darry.

Sincerely Winifred Campbell
And a phone number at the bottom
I walked out and Pony was smiling.
"You guys ready to go?" I asked trying to hide a big smile.

"Yeah." Pony said

"Alright let's go." Soda said standing up and Diane followed. We went up to the front desk and checked out she handed me a bottle of pills.

"You're going to have to take one every night before you go to bed alright hun." The lady said

"Alright have a nice day." I said waving

We went out into the parking lot and got into Soda's car. Soda was driving, Diane was in the passenger seat, and me and Pony were in the back. It was a silent car drive until we dropped Diane off.

"Bye it was nice meeting you guys." Diane said as she closed the door. She didn't live to far away from us about 4 blocks.

After she got out of the car I quickly said "You won't believe what I found in my clothes!"

"What!" Soda and Pony yelled at the same time

"A note from Winnie with her number inside and said give to Darry!" I yelled with a little squeal.

"Darry's got himself a date, I got myself a date tomorrow, Pony when you gonna get a girl." Soda said laughing

"Oh can it Soda." Pony said crossing his arms

"Yeah Ponyboy when are you gonna get a girl?" I chimed in laughing

"How about this Pony if you get a girl in the next 2 weeks I'll give you 5 bucks." Soda said

"Yeah I'll give you 5 dollars too." I said

"Okay deal, and if I don't I'll give each of you guys 5 bucks." Pony said with confidence

"Soda I think we just earned ourselves five buck!" I said laughing

Lets just say Pony proved us wrong.

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