Out the door and alot more

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Ponyboy's P.O.V.
Malia started running down the street, everybody ran after her, but went in the wrong direction. Soda said "Ponyboy, I know you like her and we both know that you shouldn't have said that and didn't mean it. So go get her!" Soda was right so I put on my shoes and ran out the door. "MALIA!" I kept on screaming for her name "IM REALLY SORRY!" I kept on looking for her till it was dark, I checked the lot which is where she lived before she stayed with us. I walked home so I wouldn't get in trouble for being out to late, I walked in the door with tears in my eyes.
" I couldn't find her, what if she's hurt?" I said while trying to hold back tears.

"Shh we'll find her maybe we'll call the cops to look for her." Soda said as he hugged me

"But we'll get in trouble with the cops." I replied and started crying

"We can't she's not in my custody, she is in her parents so if anything we don't get in trouble they do." Darry added

"I'm going to get a shower and go to bed." I said while walking away. I just sat on the shower floor crying and thinking about Malia and went bed crying and thinking about Malia.

Malia's P.O.V.
I ran all over town and ran the other direction, It was around 1 in the morning when I fell asleep at the lot. I sat there and crying and thinking about Pony, I said I was starting to like him as a friend, but that was a lie I developed a small crush on him. I thought he was cute and his long hair just fitted him and made him look tuff. Another thing that got me though was the way he looked at me when Soda pointed at me he looked like he didn't mean it but I was still pissed. I feel asleep and woke up around 5 which gave me time to get on the move before the gang started looking for me again. I got up and started walking into town to go to the grocery store to get breakfast, but I was soon stopped by a bunch of Socs. They grabbed a hold of me and put I blade against my throat.
"The little greaser is scared isn't she." The one said as he pulled out another blade they all reeked of alcohol.

"Why would I be scared of you guys, you pull out a blade cause you don't know how to fight!" I yelled. I shouldn't have said that cause the sic with the blade against me started to cut my neck up bad, then I felt another blade on my shoulder I punched the one that said something to me and knocked him out so the Soc with I the blade stabbed me in the side nobody had ahold of me so I ran. I ran back to the Curtis and nobody was there.

Ponyboy's P.O.V
I was with Soda and Steve looking for Malia, Darry was at work, and Two-bit and his sister Katie were looking for Malia. We were getting hungry so we went back to our house. I walked up the steps and I noticed that there was some blood on the steps, there was some on the door handle, and all through the house. Who is or was here?

Sorry for such a short chapter I just had to leave off on a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoying the story so far.

Stay gold.

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