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Malia's P.O.V.
I woke up and Pony was still sitting there reading Gone with the Wind, still holding my hand.

"Pony did you ever leave?" I asked while l asked while laughing

"Nope." He said with a grin from ear to ear. Soon Two-bit and his sister Katie came in.

"Hey, Malia how are you feeling?" Katie asked. Katie was 13 like me and has blue eyes with blonde fluffy hair. She looked a lot like Two-bit and acted like him too. She always had her hair pulled up somehow. Katie and I have been friends since we were 8 and has always been there.

"I'm good, just a little sore. Hey what time is it? I asked

Two-but looked at his wrist acting like there was a watch and said "Time to eat." And gave me a small container to eat. "You fell asleep before Darry and Soda brought back your food, so we heated it up and brought it back to ya." In the container was a piece of what looked like pork, some white rice and cooked carrots. I was starving I even ate the carrots and I hated cooked carrots.

"In all seriousness Malia it's 2:45." Katie said while looking at Two-bit. We all sat down and talked soon Soda and Steve came.

I could hear Steve yelling about something from down the hallway, when Steve and Soda walked in Soda was dying from embarrassment.

"What's going on, Soda looks like he just fell down stairs in front of everybody and you Steve have the biggest smile on your face." I said while laughing.

"My pal Soda here got himself a date!" Yelled Steve while patting Soda on the back

"Does the whole world have to know?" Soda said while rubbing his neck and blushing

"WHAT!" Everybody said at once

Sodapop's P.O.V.

" Okay, okay I'll give you guys all the details, her name is Diane Williams, she has blue green eyes and dirty blonde hair with curtain bangs."

"Is she nice?" Malia asked

"Yeah she's real nice, came in with a flat tire, and asked me to fix it she wasn't one of those girls who came to see me either. We talked and got to know each other, oh I forgot she's 16, but back to the story I was talking to her and turns out she lives in town, then I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies Saturday and she said yes." I said trying to be as cool as possible.

"When will we get to meet her?" Pony asked

"Um.. I can see if she wants to come here tomorrow." I said but I wasn't sure if she wanted to come to a hospital.

"Soda it's fine we can meet her another time I'm sure she doesn't want to come to a hospital." Malia said with a smile

"No it's fine I'm sure she'll want to meet you guys. I'll call her when we get home." I said

Pony chimed in "Did you say we Darry isn't here."

"Pony you need to go home I'm fine." Malia said and I watched her nudge Katie to back her and I up

"Ponyboy she'll be fine here she has doctors and nurses and if anything happens they'll call you." Katie said

"Fine." Pony said. I mouthed Thank you to Malia and Katie. We sat and talked for a couple of hours, then Darry got there around 7.

"Soda, Pony you guys ready to go." Darry said as he popped his head in, right when he was stepping in the room a nurse came in.

Malia's P.O.V.

A nurse came in when Darry got there she looked young, way too young to be a nurse. She was shorter probably 5,6 she had brown eyes, brown hair, and pale skin. She had large eyes a tiny nose and a beautiful smile kinda like Soda's.

She introduced herself to all of us "Hello, I'm Winifred Campbell but you guys can call me Winnie, I'm going to be Malia's personal nurse, I'm 19 and trying to become a doctor here. If you have any questions you can just ask me." I looked over at Darry and he was falling for her, just the look on his face said it all. We all introduced out selves

"I'm Katie Mathews" she said while smiling

"Keith Mathews, but everyone calls me Two-bit, and Katie is my sister."

"I'm Ponyboy Curtis."

"Sodapop Curtis, everyone calls me Soda though." He said with a smile

"Steve Randle" Steve said while shaking her hand

"Darry Curtis, Pony and Soda are my younger brothers." He said with a smile

We all knew Darry liked her cause he was acting all tuff, I honestly thought it was funny.

"Okay well we're going to go home." Darry said while waving bye

"Yeah, me and Katie are going to head out too." Two-bit added, he looked at Katie "I don't want mom to worry 'bout you."

"Bye guys." I said while waving everyone waved or said goodbye, after everybody left it was just me and Winnie.

"So do you have any questions about my friends?" I asked Winnie while laughing.

"Actually I do how old is everybody?" Winnie asked

"Oh um Katie is 13, Ponyboy is 14, Johnny is 16, Dally is 17, Soda is 17, Steve is 17, Two-bit is 18, and Darry is 20."

"Okay I have three more questions if that's okay."

"Yeah it's fine, ask away."

"Okay so what's your last name?"

"Cade, Malia Jade Cade." I said proudly

"Okay, and who is all taken?"

"All of us are single except for maybe Soda he has a date with a girl." Her reaction seemed happy

"Alright last question who are Johnny and Dally?" I sat there in shock I must have said there names when telling her our ages

"Oh um..." I tried to think of an answer. " Johnny is my brother and Dally is just another close friend." I said fast so I didn't give too much details.

"Oh why didn't they come visit you today?" I felt hot tears run down my face

"Do you know who Johnny Cade is?" I asked

"No, I don't think so."

"Well he passed away to weeks ago in this hospital, and thats my brother."

"Oh dear I'm so sorry" she had guilt on her face

"Don't feel bad at least you care, and did you hear about the kid who got shot?"

"Yeah, was that Dally?" She asked as I shook my head yes, I still had tears running down my face. She gave me a hug and rubbed my back. "Okay well you better get off to sleep." Winnie said

"Okay, night Winnie." She said goodnight and turned out my light. I had a horrible nightmare that night.

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