Opening Up.

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Jalizah pov,

"So where am I supposed to sleep," I asked walking into the room

It was surprisingly clean

"You ask a lot of dumb questions," he said bluntly

I cocked my head to the side and counted to 10 then turned to walk out the room

I grabbed my clothes from my bag and went into the bathroom to take my shower

After finishing in the bathroom, I put my dirty clothes in my duffle bag

I turned on the t.v and turned to Love &Hip Hop Atlanta, I really needed to catch up

I was comfortable on the couch, and this episode was getting good

Chris walked into the living room and stood in front of the TV

"Um Excuse me," I said as nice as I possibly could

He turned the tv off and stared back at me

"Now that you are comfortable, I think now I should explain the rules," he said

"What rules," I looked at him like he was stupid

"Be patient sweet heart, Rule #1 , Company, if you want company, please let me know ahead of time , maybe a hour or two before !," he started

I nodded my head for him to continue

"Rule #2, food, the food in the Kitchen is for people who stay here, if your company is hungry they either bring food , or you could buy them some yourself," he stated

"That's it," I asked

"Rule #3, when you use the bathroom, whether it's for a shower, to piss, shit , whatever you have to do , please clean up after yourself, I love a clean house," he added

"Rule #4, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I don't know what you like , but if you have either, they can spend the night one day a week, why you may ask , because I don't want to walk in on y'all doing some nasty shit or doing lovey dovey stuff, everyday," he explained

"And last but not least Rule #5, knock before you walk in my room, don't sleep with the Tv on and keep the lights off , don't nobody have money for high electricity bills," he said

This nigga is to much, it ain't like I have a boyfriend so I'm not really worried about the fourth rule, third rule or the first one , but the second and fifth one was stupid as fuck !

If I'm living here wouldn't I help pay rent or whatever you need help with, but whatever I just nodded at him

We stared at each other for a moment, just trying to read each other

I felt like he was looking so deep into me , that he was going to find something, so I looked away

"Well I'm done here," he said then walked in the room

I turned to look at the TV and realized he didn't turn it back on

Ugh, I was tired anyway, so I didn't get up to turn the tv on

I just laid back and started thinking

How am I going to explain this to my parents

They are going to be furious when they find out I married a stranger

My dad would most likely cut me off no matter how much of a daddy's little girl I am

And my mom would just go on and on about how her and my father raised me better than this

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