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Jalizah Pov,

Chris has been calling me non stop

And I've been ignoring non stop

What he said to me was not cool ,talking bout I will never be Taylor

Who the fuck is Taylor and why would I want to be her

I decided to come to my parents house since its been a while since I've seen them

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer

The door opened revealing My mother and she looked so happy to see me

"Jalizah , sweetheart you forgot all about your mother huh," she asked as she hugged me tightly

"I've just been busy mom, I'm sorry," I said

It's not like I was lying, after moving my stuff into the storage room, I went and got a couple of Applications and started feeling them out

"To busy to talk to your mother," she pouted

"It's complicated, where's daddy," I asked walking more into the house

My parents house was too big for just the two of them

But my dad ask the same stupid question all the time

"What else am I supposed to spend it on,"

There are homeless people out there that need homes and food

That whole situation is just ignorant to me

But to him, I'm just a kid who doesn't understand the value of the family

He says sharing is something people like us don't need to do, simply because all they do is come back for more

Although the last part is kind of true, I'm still for sharing

Like people need food and a place to stay, so why not help out every once in a while

"He's in his office," she said walking back into the kitchen

I took my things Upstairs to my old bedroom, then walked to daddy's office and knocked on the door

"Come on in," he spoke

Opening the door I walked in with a huge smile on my face

"Daddy's Princess," he jumped up and jogged over to me

"Hi daddy," I hugged him

"How's my little girl," he asked

"I'm good, I was coming to spend the night," I said

"Oh why is that ," he asked

"Just wanted to come see my parents," I half lied

"Oh that's cool," he said

I scrunched my face up

"Cool, daddy don't talk like that," I laughed

"Why you don't think your daddy is fly," he asked popping his collar

I just laughed at him and shook my head

"Dinner is ready," my mom called out

Daddy and I walked out his office and in to the dining room

Taking our seats we made our plates and said our prayers

"So Jalizah, who is this guy your father told me about," my mother spoke

I almost choked on my macaroni

"What guy," I asked

"Didn't you say you were seeing someone," my dad joined in

"Oh , yeah his name is Chris," I said

"Chris what," my mother asked

"Brown," I answered

"What does he do for a living," my dad questioned

Now that I think about I don't really know what Chris does

"He's a business man," I lied

"That's good, you know I can't have my daughter out here dating a man with no money or job," he chuckled at the thought

I gave him a fake smile as I continued to eat

"So when will we get to meet this Chris Brown," my mom asked

"I'm not sure he's very shy ," I said knowing good and well Chris is far from shy

"Well tomorrow, I'm throwing a release party for drake, you and Chris should come," my dad said

I cringed at the sound of his name

"I don't think that's a good idea," I spoke confidently

I knew it wouldn't be

"That's nonsense, Aubrey wants to see you," my mom said

I really did not want to talk about him right now

Like any guy who would their girlfriend after 2 years of dating to pursue his career, is stupid

He didn't even try, the day after my father signed him

He hit me with that, I need to focus on my Career and I can't be bothered with a girlfriend right now

My dad and mom have liked Aubrey since they met him, do they automatically think he's the one for me

But he isn't, I have moved on from his Canadian ass

"We're okay we'll come to another release party," I said

But my mom and dad kept going on and on with how I needed to go see him for Closure and basically Imploring me to go

"Fine, we'll come," I gave in

I got up and grabbed my plate walking into the kitchen

Dumping the rest of the food that was on my plate into the trash, I placed the plate in the sink

I made my way upstairs and grabbed my phone

4 missed calls from Chris

I sighed before calling him back

"I'm sorry Jalizah,"

Chris Pov,

I smiled into the phone when I heard her say Hey

"I'm sorry Jalizah," I apologized

"I know,"

"Nah, I'm serious, I shouldn't have said that to you , the truth is I didn't want to believe that Taylor and I were really over,"

"Chris it's okay, I understand,"

I wanted to say more but I was nervous

No female has ever made me nervous

"So are you coming back, cause I don't wanna sleep alone,"

"I don't wanna sleep alone either, but I told my parents I was spending the night,"

"Oh, your at you parents house,"

"Yeah, they wanna meet you because I kind of told them we were dating,"

"Not to be rude or anything just want to know, why you tell them that,"

"It's a long story, I would have to tell you in person ,"

"Okay that's cool,"

We talked for like 3 hours until we decided to FaceTime

I couldn't help but to stare at her

"Why you looking at me like that," she asked

"Just thinking," I responded

"About," she asked

"Giving us a try," I spoke hesitantly

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