Disorders (short Chapter

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Chris Pov,

I tried sleeping peacefully, but that wasn't even possible

Jalizah kept moving and I was starting to get irritated

Plus she was sweating making our bodies stick together

"Jalizah," I called out

"Hmm," she answered

"Can you stop moving," I asked nicely

"Sorry," she mumbled

She got up from the bed and grabbed her towel before walking out the room

I wanted to go to sleep but I also wanted to know what was up

After about 5 minutes of debating on whether I should sleep or go check on her

I groaned before turning over and throwing my legs off the bed

Getting up and stretching I walked out the room and turned on the light

But I didn't see her

"Jalizah," I called out

No answer

I looked around and seen the bathroom light on

So I walked over to the door

"Baby, what you doing," I asked

But it was silent

The door was easy to unlock, but I didn't want to invade her privacy

"Jalizah, baby open the door," I said

Still silent

She was making me worried, so I went ahead and unlocked it

"Jalizah what the fuck ," I semi yelled

Jalizah Pov,

"Jalizah what the fuck ," Chris said as he burst through the door

I had about 7 wine bottles surrounding me as I sipped on my red moscato

The past month, I've been sneaking in wine and hiding them under the sink in the bathroom

I really need this

At first everything was okay , just sleeping in Chris's arms

But a week after that , I woke up cause I thought I heard something

There are a lot of things I haven't told Chris and one part might just come out tonight

"Jalizah what are you doing with all these bottles," Chris asked

But I didn't say anything

"Answer me," he demanded

I jumped at the way his voice boomed through the bathroom

"I need it ," I spoke lowly

"You don't need that shit, you want it," he yelled

"I do need it," I argued

" no you don't, you have me, why do you think you need it ," he asked

"Because I do ," I said

"Why," he asked

"Because I have Insomnia," I spat throwing my glass
On the floor making it shatter everywhere

His face softened up

"There I said it , I have fucking Insomnia," I cried

"Why didn't you tell me," he asked

"Nobody goes around telling people about there disorders ," I yelled

I tried walking past him but I stepped in glass

"Ahh," I winced

Chris picked me up and carried me over to the couch

Blood was spilling from the cut which only made me cry harder

Chris walked off then minutes later returned in his pajama pants with the First Aid kit, a cup of water and a towel

"This might hurt," he said as gently grabbed my foot

He pulled the glass from my foot and screamed a little

Blood began gushing out of my foot

I just closed my eyes and tried to think of something other than the pain

He cleaned my foot all up and wrapped that bandage thing around it

"Jalizah, I'm Bipolar," Chris confessed

"What ," I asked shocked

" I'm bipolar, , I'm telling you this because I care about you and I don't want you to hide things from me ," he spoke

After he said that , I wanted to cry again

I was scared to tell Chris about my family and where I come from , I didn't want him looking at me differently

"Chris I need to tell you something," I said looking at my fingers

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