The prey

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I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't bring myself to. Even within the confined walls and under security, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. This wasn't how I imagined to start the week. Looking like a sleep-deprived zombie and dark circles. Everything felt mechanical, brush, shower, dress.

And to add pain to my misery, I had to walk to and forth from classes all day. Pulling my hair in a high ponytail, I wrapped a red scarf around my neck. The clothes I wore did nothing to stop the chills running down my spine and strangely it had nothing to do with the weather.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself it was day. Not night. Not last night when I was being chased. It was a bright, crowded, and harmless day. At least that's what I made myself believe, because the alternative was as terrifying.

It was just a normal day. People all around. Sun shining. No shadows lurking. I was safe. I had to be. But the fear was still there, whispering it was not over. I had to keep going and act normal. Just get through today.

A cloud of unease rolled down the pit of my stomach as the chills worsened. It took several seconds to realize—no—feel the eyes on me. Someone was watching. The feeling was too strong, too real. It was not just my imagination. I was being watched.

Calm down. Breathe.

It was just paranoia. But what if it was not? What if he was still here? I scanned the street, trying to appear casual, but my heart raced. I had to act normal.

Slowly, I took a deep breath, my senses on high alert. Adrenaline was coursing through my system now, and everything in me stilled for a second.

Whoever it was, no one would be insane enough to attack me in broad daylight with people all around. And even if they did, I could scream and yell. I could use my fist to knock them down—a lie I had been telling myself lately. Even if it didn't work, I'd fight. There was no way in a living hell I'd submit or let someone take advantage of me.

The alternative was too terrifying to consider.

The stories of these thugs were not new, but the experience was.

So, I kept walking, keeping my eyes open and wide. A part of me contemplated going to the nearest police station and filing a report against two of the people who had been haunting me these past few days.

The stalker who seemed to have some kind of evil intentions, and a snake aka Judas Romanovski. He never walked, but glided with smooth and deliberate movements.

But after a lot of pondering, I realised I didn't have any proof against any of these two. Police would demand it and when I'd say Russia's precious billionaire harassed me, I fear if they'd even believe it.

Not like I wanted to get in any legal trouble with the corporation. So I decided instead of reporting, I'd simply resign. And I had. Just waiting for Kyle's confirmation.

I sent a text to Kyle this morning right after waking up from my unsuccessful slumber.

I resign.

The brooding man had seen my text but he hadn't replied yet. And I wondered if it meant anything. Was he ignoring me? Whatever it was, I was not going to go into that mansion ever again. The memory of its shadowed halls and suffocating silence still clung to me.

God ruin my soul if I let that sarcastic, narcissistic, self-righteous blind demon come in front of me ever again. His piercing eyes and twisted smirk haunted my thoughts. No, never again. My sanity depended on keeping my distance from him and that accursed place.

He had a way of getting under my skin like no one else ever could.

I was walking down the street, my mind lost in a haze of thoughts, when I took a sharp turn and collided with something, or rather someone. The impact was jarring, and I nearly lost my balance, bracing myself for the inevitable kiss with the dirty pavement. But before I could fall, a strong hand gripped my arm, pulling me into a warm, solid body.

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