They prey

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Comments are appreciated. They motivate me to update soon. 


"Ms. Rosewood..." Kyle's voice was like a distant echo as I stumbled down the stairs.

I shook my head, refusing to cry. I shouldn't cry. Why should I cry? It wasn't my fault for being born as the eldest daughter. It wasn't my fault for coming here. It wasn't my fault to be so desperate to take the job. I just... I just wanted to earn some money.

"Just... leave me be. I can... find my way back," I muttered, tumbling towards the exit and harshly wiping my cheeks. 

Stop crying for hell's sake, Sera! 

A hand reached for me and I quickly slapped it away glaring at him. This time, I lost the battle with my tears, they didn't understand me, and without me knowing, they rolled down my cheeks.

"I don't need your pity! Just... I just..." My heart felt like a fragile glass, shattered into a thousand pieces and each damn piece was piercing through me. I have never felt so angry and humiliated like this in my whole life. Not when people treated me like a plague, or an outcast, not even when I embarrassed myself in front of the whole class. The storm inside me raged on swirling and howling like a hurricane.

Kyle's concerned gaze was suffocating, a weight pressing down on my chest, and I was desperate to escape it. I didn't need his pity. I brought this upon myself.

That spawn of the devil just humiliated me, and showed me my worth. At his feet.

I hated him. I hated him for everything he did. 

The pieces of damn paper burned in my palm, their edges singeing my skin with the heat of my frustration and shame.

"Please, just... let me be," I whispered, my voice breaking as the dam in my eyes failed to hold back the flood of tears. Without waiting for his reply, I turned on my heel, the cold wind whisking past me, biting and sharp.

I looked up at the sky, the grey clouds were heavy and swollen promising snow. The chill seeped into my bones, mingling with the storm of emotions inside me. And it did. As I walked down the pavement, the snowflakes fell over my shoulders like a fragment of my shattered pride.

My footsteps crunched against the hard ground. Taking me nowhere. It was like I was suddenly a shell, feeling numb. Before I realised it, I stumbled into a small, deserted park. The benches and trees stand silent and lonely, covered in a thin layer of snow.

I collapsed onto the bench, the cold seeping through my clothes and into my bones. My body trembled and strangely cold had nothing to do with it. I buried my face in my hands, the tears flowing freely now, my shoulders shook.

Why did it always have to be this way? Why did I have to fight so hard, only to end up here?

I looked up, my eyes were burning and I could tell they were red and swollen, and watched the snowflakes dance in the air almost mocking me.

For a moment, the world was silent, and I allowed myself to be lost in the quiet, the only sound was coming from my mouth, silent sobs.

I had never cried like this ever since my father died. I promised not to cry.

Yet, here I was, tears falling freely. Memories of him flooded my mind. The memories of him were suddenly crushed. His laughter echoed in the silence. I long for his comforting presence. Grief was a relentless storm. It broke down even the strongest walls. I promised not to cry. But promises could be fragile. Emotions couldn't always be controlled.

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