The prey

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I warned you.

The words stared back at me. And I didn't know what to do. There were two possibilities, it was either the stalker or whoever that strange was, or someone was playing with me. Whatever it was, I wasn't going to be a scared lamb anymore. It was too much. No one had any business or right to frighten me like this.

I decided to take control. First, I blocked the number. Whoever it was, they wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing me scared anymore.

I thought about calling the police, but then I remembered I was in a different country. The local authorities might not take a foreigner's complaint seriously, and involving the police back home would be complicated and slow.

I needed to do something else.

Staying alone in the university till this fest was over suddenly felt too risky. My thoughts turned to the dorms. They had security, and there would be people around. It was the safest place I could think of right now.

I quickly wiped away my cheeks, not wanting to waste any time. My heart pounded as I left the bathroom, double-checking that no one was following me. The cool Russian air hit my face as I hurried down the street, my eyes darting around nervously.

When I arrived at the dorms, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I'd explain my absence to Alina when she came to the room, and no teacher would look for me since I had already submitted my Fest report. There was no way I was going back to that crowded place where that demon was.

Just thinking about him made my skin crawl.

He wasn't just dangerous; he was a hunter.

Even though he couldn't see, it felt like he could sense my every move. His presence was dark and menacing, making the air heavy and suffocating.

Whenever he was near, I felt a cold dread. His voice was low and harsh, and his aura made everyone around him feel small and scared. People probably avoided him taking his ugly personality, and trembling in his presence.

The few times he had spoken to me, I could feel his eyes, though unseeing, piercing into my soul. His smile was more of a snarl, promising pain. I hated how there was so much less about him on the internet though he was a billionaire.

Not to be over–dramatic but being in the same room as he felt like standing on the edge of a cliff, one wrong move, and I would be lost.

I shuddered at the flash of his face, grateful to be in the safety of the dorms, far away from his reach. For now, I could finally breathe a little easier.

I pulled out my phone before changing out of my dress and texted Alina.

Seraphina: Hey, I am back at the dorm.

I put my phone down and took a deep breath.

I was still scared, but being in the dorms made me feel a little more in control. I lay down on the bed, hoping I could finally get some rest.

As I closed my eyes, I reminded myself that I wasn't alone and that I was stronger than this fear.

When I finally woke up, the room was bathed in the soft light of late afternoon. I blinked, disoriented. My phone's screen flashed with notifications, and I realized with shock that I had slept through the entire evening and the next day.

I had basically hibernated.

Not that I minded, I felt refreshed. Moreover, it wasn't like I had any classes today.

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