The prey

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I'd like to discuss an issue at hand. I am a student, I don't have a full day to indulge myself in writing and give 4- 5 updates a day. That's juts insane, and I respect those who do that. But I can not manage that. There are only two options I can consider right now, first taking the book down and making it pay to read, or updating 3-4 chapters back on Wattpad. 

Don't want to read the book, it's alright, but don't dm me on insta saying update daily with 2-3 chapters. I CAN NOT. 

Also, writing is difficult, even writing 1000 words is a headache. and I am here writing 2000+ words in a single update. what more could you ask for? 

Please be considerate, if you can not support me on Hinovel, it's fine I understand we all are struggling and it's not everyone's cup of tea to spend fortunes, but at least support me on free platforms. Do vote, follow and comment, I like reading them. 

Also, whoever in comments said this book is glorifying abuse etc etc and is not worth reading, please go ahead and stop reading. I did not force anyone here, and I have made hundred times clear this book is pure torment. DO NOT READ IF IT IRKS YOU. 

Thank you. 

Have a nice reading. 


My stomach lurched bile rising in my throat again as I emptied the contents in the toilet.

I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to brush away the sight of those lifeless eyes, the paleness of the skin, the blood matted in the hair—it was a grotesque vision straight out of a nightmare.

I tried to swallow but the lump of fear was trapped in my throat choked by terror making my body paralysed.

I could still see the horrified face twisted in a final expression of fear as if the person had met their end in sheer agony. The bad, I didn't want to think who it was. The worst, why would anyone send me... this?

I didn't know how or when I made it to the room and locked myself in the bathroom. I couldn't look at them anymore. My scream woke up the dorm and soon the guards were there followed by several students, and to my horror, none of them could offer me any comfort. The horror on their faces mirrored mine, but it couldn't compare to what I was feeling.

My breath came in ragged gasps and I could feel the cold sweat dripping down my back. My fingers shivering from the coldness, yet the back of my sweater was drenched in my sweat. I wanted to flee, to run away, but my legs had given out.

I pushed myself further away from the toilet my hands slipping on the slick floor.

I rocked back and forth, clutching my knees to my chest, desperate to feel some semblance of safety.

Panic clawed at my mind making it hard to think hard to move.

From somewhere far away, I heard footsteps approaching but I was too anxious. My heart pounded in my chest like the frantic drumbeat of dread.

"Sera?" Alina. It was her. The soft and concerned voice called out to me followed by two knocks. "Are you okay?" I shook my head crying on the cold bathroom floor. Another impatient knock followed. "Can you open the door for me, please?"

I couldn't. I couldn't move. I whimpered, staring helplessly at the door, my arms trembling as I tried to reach it. Suddenly, it felt impossibly far. I sobbed harder, my body shaking with the effort. Please, someone, help me.

"Sera, please," Her voice was more urgent now and I hated to make her worry. "Just open the door."

I tried to speak, to call out, but all that came out were choked sobs. My vision blurred with tears, and I could barely see the door through the haze. The floor felt freezing against my skin, adding to the numbness spreading through me.

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