The prey

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You better comment or I'll go all Judas on you.

Morning light seeped through the curtains dragging me awake. I sat up, feeling every muscle protest, and looked around the room. The silence was heavy, oppressive. He was gone. And still not back. I was glad. And too relieved that I almost forgot my foot was sprained and tumbled as soon as I placed it on the floor.

I caught myself on the edge of the bed, biting down a curse as the sharp pain shot up my leg. I looked down and winced.

My foot was swollen.

I hobbled toward the window and pulled the drapes back slightly to let more light in. The city outside was just beginning to stir, oblivious to the nightmare I was living. For a second, I wondered what it would be like to just disappear into the crowd below, to blend in and be forgotten.

But that was a fantasy. The reality was this room, this pain, this gnawing emptiness that followed every clash with him.

Letting out a deep sigh, I turned around, wrapping the towel tightly around me. This wasn't helping either.

I was about to walk to the bathroom when my gaze drifted to the table where small box laid. I wouldn't have noticed it, but the fact that there were three more large bags beside it, I just couldn't ignore it.

A small part of me hoped it was all a bad dream, that if I reached for it, I'd find a way out. But deep down, I knew better.

I took a breath and forced myself to walk again, favoring my uninjured foot.

My fingers brushed over the box, and as I opened it, my breath lodged into my throat. It was a phone. Brand new.

Why did he leave me a phone after breaking mine? The man was bipolar to be exact. He did things his way, however he see fit, and it never bothered him how much his actions could cause someone pain.

Emotionally unstable man.

My hands clenched around the box as I grabbed the device. The screen lit up, but there was nothing—no messages, no missed calls. Just a clean slate juts like a mockery of the life that had been wiped away. I set it down, feeling more alone than ever.

What would I do with it? Play sudoku?

So he was here. And the fact that I must have been sleeping with just a towel wrapped around, was both horrifying and astonishing.

He must have left these. Anxious, I ran my hand through the hair wincing at the reality. What had I life become? I just wanted to study and get a job, to support my family and this.... Judas ruined everything.

And he wasn't even sorry for that.

Before the ache in my chest could intensify, I grabbed the other two bags and opened them rather roughly. And to my surprise, there were clothes. Judas mentioned Kyle would bring some clothes, did Kyle left them or was it Judas?
At this point I hardly cared.

I opened one, pulling out a plain sweater that a tag of luxury brand and a pair of jeans of same brand. And there were more sweaters, coats and some socks too. Except anything to wear underneath.

The bastrad forgot to buy me undergarments. Or did he do that intentionally.

Oh and there were no shoes or flats. He wanted me to roam in the apartment bare foot.

Heaving a sigh, I limped to the bathroom.

I had no right to cry about the clothes. I should be glad he even left me some. That apathetic man could flip like a switch, and who knew if he'd decide to take these clothes back? I couldn't afford to roam in the apartment with nothing on. Something was better than nothing.

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