The prey

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I had my first kiss when I was in high school, well, it was a kiss for me even if my lips barely touched his cheek.

And that's what I believed a kiss should feel like. That's the distance I ever walked towards a male species. I thought Yuri was a kind boy, with deep brown eyes and sharp features. He was half-Japanese and everything I liked in a boy.

But I never confessed.

I couldn't. Not when I saw the blonde girl hanging off his arms. I believed the crush should have come to an end. But I couldn't. It hurt me to see him with her and when I didn't see him, it hurt more.

My friend convinced me it was just one-sided until Yuri cornered me at the gym. I was so flustered and shy that I couldn't say anything. And when he arrogantly proposed I should confess to him, I refused. Not that I no longer liked him. No. It was the eeriness. The numbness inside me that halted me. Partly because I knew I was just a nerd wearing glasses, and he deserved someone like Christine, the blonde with him.

But I was so flustered to be close to him that I felt myself tumbling.

Today, I felt that once again.

The only difference. I neither liked the man nor wanted to be close to him.

He was having... sex. And... I saw him doing the deed. It would've been fine if it was just sex. But the brutal thrusts, the pained moans, the roughness with which he handled her, and... his sinful body. How could... a man look like this?

So dangerously handsome, and sinfully sinister.

The scene left me shocked, my breath catching in my throat. I remember the erratically pounding of my heart as I stood frozen unable to tear my eyes away. My body trembled, a shiver running down my spine, as my mind struggled to process what I had just witnessed. A bitter blend of dread and an uncontrollable rush of adrenaline coursed through me leaving me both stirred and horrified.

I barely recalled how I stumbled through the hallway. When I turned a corner, I collided with someone.

I looked up to see a pair of cold, piercing eyes staring down at me.

Kyle. Judas's bodyguard.

My breath caught in my throat, and I felt the world spin around me. Every sound seemed to muffle, the hallway stretching out like a tunnel.

"Going somewhere, Ms. Rosewood?" he asked with his usual low and menacing voice.

I couldn't find my voice.

My legs felt like they would give out at any moment. All I could do was nod my head, trying to back away.

"U-yes, I am not... feeling well. I need to... go," I stammered my voice barely above a whisper.

Before I could move back, his hand shot out, grabbing my arm with a grip firm and harsh. I looked up at him wide-eyed. This was the first time he had touched me. And I didn't like that. Time seemed to slow, my heart pounding in my ears as I saw every detail, the way his fingers dug into my skin, the flicker of a cruel tilt of his lips.

"I'll take you to your dorms," he muttered suddenly appearing larger than life.

No. This wasn't the Kyle I knew. Or did I really know him at all...

Fear shot through me, paralyzing my limbs. My body tensed, every muscle rigid as I fought the urge to flee. I tried to pull my arm away, but his grip tightened, making me wince.

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