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Shehnaaz  POV

The crisp morning air in Manali brought a mix of excitement and apprehension. Sidharth had announced their trip abruptly last night, leaving me bewildered and unsure of what to expect. As I packed our belongings, questions buzzed in my mind like restless bees. Why Manali, of all places? Was this a turning point in our relationship, or was it merely another gesture to appease his obligations?

Sidharth emerged from the balcony, his gaze fixed on the distant mountains. His usual stoic expression softened slightly, hinting at a rare moment of introspection. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice devoid of its usual edge.

"Yes," I replied, tucking a stray lock of hair behind my ear nervously. "I've packed everything."

He nodded and gestured towards the door, silently indicating that it was time to leave. The journey to Manali was quiet, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the car engine and the occasional scenic vista that flashed past the window. Sidharth seemed lost in his thoughts, his eyes often drifting to the passing landscapes as if searching for something elusive.

Upon arrival at the luxurious resort nestled amidst snow-capped peaks, I marveled at the breathtaking beauty surrounding us. The receptionist greeted us warmly, but Sidharth's curt demeanor cast a shadow over the otherwise cheerful atmosphere. He handled the check-in formalities swiftly, his attention seemingly elsewhere.

As we settled into our suite, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Sidharth's decision to bring me here felt more like an obligation than a genuine desire to spend time together. Was this his way of showing me a glimpse of the life he led separate from the confines of our strained marriage?

Dinner that evening was a formal affair, but one thing I noticed as unusual was that neither Sidharth's friend nor their wife had come. "Where are they?" I remembered Sidharth telling me they would come on their own private jet.

Sidharth noticed me but didn't say anything, nor did I ask, knowing he wouldn't answer. It seemed better not to inquire.

After dinner, Sidharth remained distant, his attention drifting intermittently to his phone or the expansive view beyond the dining hall's floor-to-ceiling windows. I longed to bridge the growing chasm between us, to understand what lay beneath his veneer of indifference.

Later that night, as I stood alone on the balcony overlooking the snow-laden peaks, Sidharth unexpectedly joined me. The cool breeze tousled his hair, adding vulnerability to his usually composed demeanor. "Shehnaaz," he began, his voice softer than I had ever heard it, "I'm sorry."

Surprised by his words, I turned to face him, searching his eyes for any hint of sincerity. "For what?" I asked, my voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and longing. "For making me feel like we're strangers living under the same roof."

He sighed, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I never wanted this marriage, Shehnaaz," he confessed, his words weighted with regret.

Wow, he didn't have to tell me; his actions speaks themselves.

"Why? If you never wanted this marriage, then why the hell did you marry me, Sidharth Arora? You've made me feel like I'm nothing but an unwanted wife. Do you even understand how much your actions have torn me apart? It's excruciating to love someone who doesn't care, who doesn't even realize how deeply they've hurt me. I've tried so hard to make this work, to win your heart, but I'm done. I can't keep doing this to myself. Six months of my life wasted because of you, Sidharth."

Tears found their way from my eyes to my cheeks as I took a deep breath. I noticed he had tears in his eyes too, but I couldn't fathom why.

Suddenly, something struck me. "Wait, so is this your plan?" I asked, realizing neither his friend nor their wife had come.

He nodded. "Why did you choose me, Sidharth? Please answer me," I begged, feeling unable to be with this man any longer. First, he lied to me, and now he brought me here to Manali—why?

I wanted to ask many questions, and today I was determined to get answers to all of them.

He wiped his tears and moved to cup my face, but I jerked his hand away. "Don't touch me!"

I saw sudden guilt in his eyes, along with a myriad of other emotions. Why now? Why today?

"Shehnaaz, calm down. I'll answer every question you've asked, but first, listen to why I never wanted this marriage and why I've been avoiding you for the past six months," he said calmly. I retreated to the bedroom and sat on the bed; he followed and sat beside me.

I remained silent, wanting him to speak.

"Firstly, I'm sorry for lying to you about this trip. The idea for this trip came from my friends," he confessed.

Confused, I looked at him. "Don't be confused. Let me tell you everything about the real Sidharth Arora," he said earnestly.

I stared at him, silently debating whether to trust him. Whatever he was about to say, I wasn't sure if I was ready to believe it.

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