Chapter 1

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As tears streamed down my cheeks, I followed him out of the elevator, grappling with the unfairness of it all. Why did he have to break up with me? I reached my car, frantically searching through my bag for the keys that seemed just out of reach. Pausing to wipe my tears discreetly, I finally found them buried under my belongings at the bottom. Sliding into the driver's seat, I paused before starting the engine, catching my reflection in the mirror above.

Gently resting my hand on my stomach, I whispered, "I'm sorry, little one. I'll tell your daddy soon. I just need more time to figure things out." More tears traced down my cheeks. The timing couldn't be worse—discovering I was pregnant by the same man who had just ended things with me. It felt surreal; he had been my Training Officer, and I his Rookie. Now, pregnant with his child, I was devastated that he hadn't been there when I found out, already well into my second trimester. It seemed unbelievable; I had been sick for weeks, never once considering the possibility until now.


As I stepped into my apartment, I noticed Celena hadn't returned yet. Then it hit me—they were out with Aaron, trying to shake off some stress for an hour or two. I love Celena, but I ache for Tamara's presence like never before. When Celena asked if I wanted her to stay, part of me desperately wanted to say yes, but I couldn't bear to appear weak.

Rummaging through the kitchen for something to eat, nothing seemed appetizing. Finally, I settled on pickles and vanilla ice cream—Bradford's baby had peculiar cravings. It still tore me apart inside. Why did he leave me? I loved him deeply; we'd been through so much together, and the thought of it made me nauseous. I felt adrift, unsure of what to do next. After putting away the pickles and ice cream, I decided a shower might help clear my mind and refresh me. All I wanted was to crawl into bed and shut out the world. 

As I undressed, I couldn't help but gaze at my belly which is now a noticeable 13-week bump. It had grown enough to be visible under tighter clothing, though my trusty maxi skirts had been a lifesaver, hiding it from prying eyes. Even in our uniforms, I could pass it off as a bit of bloating. But wow, that's our baby—Tim's and mine—the baby he still didn't know about. It felt surreal like everything was moving too fast for me to grasp.

I pondered the imminent need to tell him. Soon, before my growing belly became too obvious to ignore. But I was scared. Scared of his reaction, scared of what it would mean for us. I knew deep down he regretted ending things with me. He loved me; he'd always wanted children. Yet, I hesitated because I hadn't been kind to him lately. I'd been downright rude. Sure, I'd saved his life recently, but it was more than duty—it was love that drove me.

I still loved him, despite everything. But I needed time to process it all, to come to terms with the changes ahead. The fear of how he'd react, mixed with the overwhelming love I still felt, made the situation both exhilarating and terrifying. As I stood there, lost in my thoughts, the weight of my secret felt heavier than ever before.


After finishing my shower and slipping into comfy shorts and a baggy top for pajamas, I heard Celena enter the apartment. She came to check on me, letting me know she was back home. Her concern extended beyond a simple greeting; she wanted to know how I was feeling after the daring stunt I pulled to save Tim. She was the only one who knew I was pregnant, ensuring I wasn't hurt in the process. 

Once she left my room and closed the door, thoughts of Tim flooded my mind. Anger mingled with a longing for him to be by my side, discussing potential baby names. I yearned for him to experience the milestones of pregnancy with me—to hear our baby's heartbeat, to discover the gender together. But with the appointment just a week away, it seemed unlikely he would be there.

I couldn't shake the mix of emotions swirling within me. The hurt of his absence clashed with the desire for him to be present, especially during such significant moments. Would he regret not being there? Did he still care enough to want to share these experiences with me? These questions gnawed at my heart as I settled into bed, the weight of uncertainty settling over me like a heavy blanket.

So that was the first chapter! I know it is a bit short but I just wanted to see where the story would take me and let me know if you guys like it!

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