Chapter 4

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Harper and I stood in the hallway, our conversation lingering on the curious circumstances surrounding Lucy. I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was happening, but the pieces didn't quite fit together neatly.

"That was a bit strange," I mused aloud, voicing my thoughts to Harper. "She didn't look sick at all. Maybe I'm onto something thinking she could be pregnant, but then again, she did jump from car to car to save Tim's life. I can't imagine a pregnant woman risking their baby's safety like that. But then again, this is Lucy we're talking about."

Harper nodded thoughtfully, her brow furrowed in contemplation. "True. It's also possible she was at a doctor's appointment and didn't want to give it away, so she said she was sick."

I sighed, feeling the weight of speculation pressing down on me. "I've been racking my brain over this. Maybe I should just ask Nyla what she thinks."

"Yeah, good idea," Harper agreed as we stepped aside to talk more privately.

"So this morning, Lucy wasn't at the station, and when I texted her, she said she wasn't feeling well. But she looked perfectly fine in the elevator," I explained, meeting Nyla's gaze directly.

Nyla listened intently, her expression shifting as she processed the information. "You think something's up?"

"I do," I admitted. "Do you think she could be pregnant? I know it's a leap, but she was pretty sick with food poisoning for about the same amount of time the first trimester would pass."

Nyla's eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute. I did notice she pressed the fifth floor when I pressed the second."

"The maternity floor," I confirmed, a mix of concern and understanding spreading across my face. "She was at an ultrasound appointment. Lucy is pregnant."

Nyla took a moment to absorb the revelation, her mind undoubtedly racing through the implications. "Do you think Tim knows?" she finally asked, voicing the question we both dreaded to answer.

"No," I replied firmly, though uncertainty gnawed at me. "Tim wouldn't break up with her if he knew she was pregnant. I mean, he has to be the father, right? He's the only person who fits the timeline."

Harper nodded slowly, her expression sympathetic. "This must be incredibly tough for her."

"It is," I acknowledged softly, thinking of Lucy and the complexity of her situation. "I just hope she finds a way to tell Tim soon."

As we stood there in the hallway, the weight of Lucy's secret hung heavy between us. It was clear that whatever happened next would have profound consequences, not just for Lucy and Tim, but potentially for all of us at the precinct.


After wrapping up our interview with the suspect, Nyla and I couldn't shake the heavy thoughts about Lucy. It was evident she was going through a lot, and the weight of her situation weighed heavily on our minds.

"I can't imagine how scared she must be," I murmured, voicing what we were both thinking. "No wonder she's been so withdrawn and not herself lately. Though truth be told, she hasn't quite been the same since she didn't make detective. We were tough on her then, and now..."

Nyla sighed, her brow furrowed with concern. "Yeah, I feel a bit guilty about that now. She was always so resilient, especially after what happened with Caleb. She used meditation and other coping mechanisms, but now... with everything and trying to keep her baby safe, it must be overwhelming."

As we climbed into the car, the silence between us stretched, each lost in our own thoughts. It was Nyla who finally broke the quiet tension.

"Lopez, I think we should stop by Lucy's," she suggested gently, her voice tinged with empathy. "She's going through all of this alone, and maybe she just needs someone to talk to. It might help, especially if it's coming from two mothers."

"I agree," I nodded, grateful for Nyla's insight. "We should reach out to her. She shouldn't have to face this alone."

We drove in silence for a while longer, navigating the familiar streets toward Lucy's apartment. I couldn't help but wonder how she would react to our unexpected visit. Would she be upset that we knew about her pregnancy, or would she welcome the support we were offering?

Arriving at Lucy's building, we parked the car and walked up to her door, exchanging a glance before Nyla knocked on the door. The anticipation hung in the air as we waited, unsure of what to expect but determined to be there for our friend in her time of need.

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