Chapter 10

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After arriving at the hospital, and pushing through those damn glass doors, my heart pounds like a jackhammer in my chest. Bailey, worn out but steady, steps out to head back to her grind.

"How's Lucy?" I blurt out, my voice tinged with raw concern. Fuck, I'm scared to death for her.

"That asshole went all in with his head. Might've broken her nose. Could take a month to heal. But she's stable. Baby seems okay, for now," Bailey reassures me, her words a lifeline in this sea of worry.

"Thanks," I mutter as she strides away. Lucy's gonna pull through. Our kid's gonna be okay. Relief floods through me, knowing she's safe.

I approach the reception desk to ask for Lucy's room number. The nurse tells me it's 102. Will she want to see me? Shit, will it be awkward? Visiting her feels right, though. Shows her I care about her and our daughter. I fucking love her. When Aaron called for help, I swear, everything stopped. Just like it did when Caleb took her.

I peek through the tiny window in the door. She's asleep. I ease the door open, careful not to disturb her, and settle into the uncomfortable chair across from her bed. As I wait, I scroll through my phone, staring at pictures of happier times. I still can't forgive myself for putting her through this shit, snuffing out that spark. And fuck, it still blows my mind that we were gonna have a daughter. Has she thought about names yet? Even though she's made an effort to keep me in the loop, I still feel disconnected. It's my fucking fault we fell apart. I get why she didn't tell me sooner. Fuck, I can't imagine finding out you're pregnant right after your boyfriend dumps you. She said she was around 13 weeks old when she found out. Nearly into the second trimester. She'd been pregnant all that time, even when we were together and none of us had a clue, I just wish that we had taken a test when she got food poisoning, looking back it was obvious and maybe I wouldn't have been compelled to end things with her.

It was nearing 11:30 pm, and the hospital room was quiet save for the soft beeps of medical equipment. Lucy lay still, her face serene in sleep, while I sat beside her, lost in a flood of memories captured in the photographs on my phone. Images are frozen in time, moments when our smiles were genuine when our love felt untouchable. If only T.O. Tim, with his cynical wit, could see us then—he'd never believe how far we'd fallen. Now, staring at Lucy, vulnerable in her hospital bed, everything we had, had slipped away.

I must have dozed off because I was startled awake by a quiet sigh. Lucy's eyes fluttered open, her gaze settling on me, fingers instinctively reaching to touch the bandage on her nose.

"What happened?" Her voice was soft, slightly hoarse from sleep, but filled with concern as she took in her surroundings, realizing she was in the hospital.

"The bastard headbutted you. There was so much blood... I thought I was going to lose you," I murmured, leaning closer, my chair scraping softly against the tiled floor.

Her hand moved to her belly suddenly, panic flickering across her face. "Is the baby okay?"

I exhaled, relief washing over me. "Yeah, she is okay"

Silence settled between us, heavy with unspoken words and unfinished conversations.

"How long have you been here?" Her voice broke the silence, tentative and unsure.

"I just needed to be sure you were okay," I admitted quietly, my gaze fixed on her.

"You should go home, and get some rest. That chair can't be comfortable," she suggested, concern etched in her features.

"Luce, I..." I started, uncertain how to express the tangled mess of emotions inside me.

"Or you can stay," she interrupted gently, moving over, and patting the space beside her.

My heart clenched. The invitation was both a lifeline and a test. "Lucy, I... I don't want to intrude. You need your rest," I hesitated, though every fiber of my being yearned to be close to her again, to feel her warmth and familiarity.

"Tim, please," her voice cracked slightly, tears threatening to spill. "I want you here."

"Okay," I finally relented, kicking off my shoes and carefully sliding into bed beside her. The familiarity of her scent enveloped me, bringing a rush of emotions I struggled to contain.

As I settled in, Lucy rested her head on my shoulder, a gesture so familiar and yet so distant. It felt like coming home after a long absence, like pieces of my soul finding their place again.

"I miss you, Tim," her voice was barely audible, raw with emotion.

"I miss you too," I whispered back, my heart swelling with hope. Maybe, just maybe, this was our chance to find our way back to each other.

We lay there, intertwined in each other's arms, drifting off to sleep as if the weight of the world had momentarily lifted. In that fragile moment, surrounded by the quiet of the hospital room, it felt like maybe, against all odds, our love could heal and grow anew.

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