Chapter 15

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Approaching my due date stirs a whirlwind of emotions within me—excitement, anticipation, and a hint of apprehension as Tim and I prepare for the monumental journey of becoming parents together. Our recent move-in has added an extra layer of adjustment amid the flurry of activities aimed at welcoming our baby girl into the world. Today, we've set aside dedicated time to finalize the essentials for her nursery, understanding the importance of having everything in place before the big day arrives.

While I've meticulously gathered an assortment of tiny clothes, secured a crib, and arranged a bassinet in our bedroom for those initial weeks, there are still vital items remaining on our checklist. A changing table and a convertible car seat/stroller combo are high priorities, crucial for the practicalities of daily life with a newborn. We've decided to leave other decorative touches and additional furnishings for later, opting for a phased approach to our preparations.

At nearly 37 weeks pregnant, the physical demands are undeniable—the sensation of carrying a watermelon and persistent backaches serve as constant reminders of the imminent arrival. Despite these discomforts, my eagerness to resume my duties as a police officer is palpable, although I anticipate being transitioned to desk duty by Sergeant Grey soon.

This waiting period is a blend of eager anticipation and understandable trepidation, yet each passing day brings us closer to holding our little one in our arms. As we navigate these final preparations and emotional nuances, I find solace in knowing that every step taken now reaffirms our readiness and commitment to embracing this new chapter of our lives.


The morning of our nursery shopping day dawned crisp and clear, with the comforting scent of pancakes drifting through our home. Completing my morning routine, I found Tim at the stove, just as I had anticipated.

"You showered?" he teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "I was hoping we could shower together after breakfast."

"Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow," I replied playfully, leaning in for a quick kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist briefly before we parted, both of us grinning.

"You want a pancake?" Tim asked, flipping one onto my plate with a flourish, topping it off with maple syrup and a handful of fresh blueberries.

"Mhm," I hummed contentedly, still captivated by his charm. He prepared his own breakfast, and soon we settled at the table, enjoying our morning ritual together.

"So, ready to head out in about 30 minutes?" I asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, whenever you're good to go," Tim replied, his gaze thoughtful. "Hey, what if you go into labor while I'm on patrol?"

"Well, I'll call you, and hopefully you won't be chasing anyone with a gun," I quipped lightly.

"Alright, but seriously, call the midwife right away, okay?" Tim's concern was evident.

"Yes, Tim," I reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "And if anything happens, we'll rush to the hospital."

After finishing our breakfast, we gathered our essentials and headed out. The car ride was peaceful, filled with soft music and the warmth of Tim's hand in mine. It was a comfortable silence, one that spoke volumes of our bond and the excitement we both felt for the day ahead.

Arriving at Target, our mission began with finding the perfect changing table. After exploring various options, we settled on a sleek, light wood design with convenient shelves for diapers and essentials. Next on our agenda was selecting the ideal car seat, a significant item now ticked off our list with a sense of relief.

Feeling accomplished, we wandered through the aisles, deliberating over nursery decor. Opting to keep the walls neutral for flexibility, we focused on selecting charming animal-themed accents and cozy pillows. It occurred to me that I still needed a comfortable chair for nursing sessions—a detail easily sorted with a quick online order.

Excitedly, we picked out adorable stuffed animals and other personal touches to make our daughter's nursery feel warm and welcoming. The afternoon flew by as we made our selections, each item bringing us closer to picturing our little one in her cozy sanctuary.

After a full day of shopping, we returned home eager to assemble our finds. Tim, though challenged by the car seat installation, graciously handed over the task to me, and together we completed the nursery setup. Stepping back to admire our efforts, a sense of pride and anticipation filled the room.

The nursery was more than just a collection of furniture and decorations; it was a tangible symbol of our love and readiness to embrace the newest member of our family. With each piece thoughtfully chosen, we couldn't help but smile at the thought of our sweet girl soon filling this lovingly crafted space with her presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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