Chapter 14

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Wow, I find myself filled with such joy now that Lucy is back in my life, especially with the anticipation of our baby on the way. It's an incredibly exciting time for us both. I've been contemplating how much simpler it would be for us to navigate parenthood together under the same roof. While my place offers more space, I can't ignore Lucy's emotional attachment to her apartment, which makes me hesitant to suggest moving in with me.

One typical Sunday afternoon after work, we lounged on the couch, and I took the opportunity to pamper Lucy, rubbing her feet despite finding it a bit challenging. She's 31 weeks pregnant, after all, carrying our child.

"So I've been thinking," Lucy begins, her voice tinged with excitement.

"About what?" I respond, hoping she'll broach the subject of moving in together.

"My birth plan," she says eagerly, her old-spirited self returning. I've missed her energy.

"Mhm, tell me about it," I encourage her.

"I want to have a home birth," she declares, fully aware it might concern me.

"Lucy, I..." I start, caught off guard. While I want to support her choice, I also worry about potential complications. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Listen, I understand your concerns, but this is my decision," she asserts firmly. "You're not the one giving birth."

I can't argue with her logic. Ultimately, I want her to feel safe and comfortable. "Okay, I just want you to feel as comfortable as possible," I assure her, kissing her gently.

"I have a great midwife, and I'll make sure we have a hospital room booked just in case," she reassures me.

With that settled, I feel it's the right moment to broach the topic of moving in together.

My heart racing, I nervously clear my throat before speaking to Lucy. She looks at me expectantly, her eyes filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. I take a deep breath and continue to rub her feet, trying to calm myself.

"If we're going to be co-parenting together, wouldn't it be easier if we live under the same roof?" I ask tentatively.

Lucy's expression softens as she considers my words. "I was waiting for you to bring this up," she responds hesitantly. "I've been scared to mention it."

I let out a small laugh, relieved that she felt the same way. "Me too," I admit.

"But honestly, my place isn't big enough for all three of us," Lucy continues. "And I don't want to kick Celina out just because of that. She should keep the apartment and find a different roommate. But I'll miss this place and all of the memories we've made here." Her voice falters slightly with sadness.

"I know, Luce," I say sympathetically. "It must be hard for you."

Lucy gives me a grateful smile. "But your house has three bedrooms, right? If you don't mind, I think it would be best for me to move in with you for now. Finding a new place is just too much to think about at the moment."

I nod in agreement, smiling at her as our eyes meet.


As evening falls and we cuddle together on the couch, contemplating dinner options, I notice that Lucy seems uncomfortable.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask softly, stroking her hair.

She nods slightly before lifting her shirt to reveal her growing belly. "Yeah, everything's fine," she says with a small smile. "She's just kicking."

I can't help but feel amazed as I place my hand on Lucy's stomach and feel our daughter moving inside. "Wow, she's strong," I say in awe.

But my thoughts quickly shift back to the present as I lose myself in Lucy's kiss. Our passion ignites, and before we know it, we're pressed against the wall, caught up in a frenzy of desire. We make our way to Lucy's bedroom, both eager to explore each other's bodies. But is it safe for the baby? 

"Wait Luce, Is it safe" I ask while I pull out of the kiss for a second.

"Yes, the baby will be perfectly fine!" She reassures me as we keep going.

I take my time undressing her, savoring every inch of her skin as she moans softly against my neck. She returns the favor, slowly teasing me until I'm practically begging for her touch. Finally, we're both naked and she pushes me onto the bed, straddling me as she rides me with wild abandon.

My body is on fire as we move together, lost in pleasure and each other. The sounds of our moans and heavy breaths fill the room. I flip us over so that I can take control, fully immersing myself in the feeling of being inside her again. 

We reach our peak together, crying out each other's names as we climax. After basking in post-orgasmic bliss for a while, we clean up in the shower before ordering some pizza and snuggling up in bed together.

As I drift off to sleep, wrapped in Lucy's arms, I can't help but feel grateful for this beautiful moment with her and our unborn child.

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