Chapter 3

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It has been exactly one week since Tim and I last spoke. Today is a significant day for me, not only because I have my ultrasound appointment where I'll find out the gender of our baby but also because I'll get to hear that precious heartbeat once again. Each time I hear it, a wave of happiness washes over me, reminding me that this little life inside me is something truly special and ours.

Despite the joy of today, there's also a weight on my mind. I've been contemplating whether this is the right time to tell Tim about the baby. Part of me is hopeful that our child might be the bridge to mend our fractured relationship. It might sound naive, but I can't help but hold onto that hope. Maybe, just maybe, this baby will bring us back together, despite everything that's happened between us. I'm still hurt and angry, but I believe that if we can have an honest conversation, we might find a way to reconcile and start fresh. Perhaps Tim is afraid that I won't forgive him, but I'm willing to try if he is.

Today, I decided to take a personal day off work to make sure my ultrasound appointment isn't rushed or stressful. I didn't want to raise suspicions by leaving work abruptly without explanation. As I'm getting ready to leave for my appointment, I hear the familiar sound of my phone notifying me of a message, prompting me to check it before I head out.


Angela: Hey Lucy where are you? Personal day? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Lucy: Yeah sorry I don't feel too well but maybe If I feel better later I can stop by after shift?

Angela: Yeah no problem, I don't mind stopping by yours either. Hope you feel better!

Lucy: Thanks!

*End of Texts*

As I stepped through the familiar hospital doors, a mix of anticipation and nerves fluttered in my stomach. I hurried into the elevator and pressed the button for the 5th floor, where the maternity ward awaited. Just as I sighed with relief, thinking luck was on my side today, the elevator doors started to close, only to be gently nudged open by a hand slipping through. In walked Angela and Nyla, their faces etched with confusion.

"Hi, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, a hint of anxiety creeping into my voice. I couldn't help but worry that their detective instincts might kick in and lead them to piece something together.

"Our suspect was just admitted," Nyla replied, pressing the button for the 2nd floor without skipping a beat.

"Wait, Lucy, you feeling that bad, huh?" Angela chimed in, her eyes filled with empathy as she glanced around the hospital surroundings.

As the elevator doors finally opened on the maternity floor, Angela and Nyla bid me goodbye and stepped out. I breathed a sigh of relief, hoping they hadn't sensed anything amiss. It wouldn't be the end of the world if they did, but I was adamant that Tim shouldn't find out from anyone other than me.

Stepping out of the elevator, I made my way straight to the reception desk.

"Hi, I'm Lucy Chen. I have an appointment for 11:30," I said, idly fidgeting with my phone and keys.

"Of course, just take a seat, Miss Chen. The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse replied, her eyes briefly scanning her laptop screen for confirmation.

I found a seat and attempted to distract myself with my phone, but thoughts of Tim kept intruding. I wished he was here beside me, holding my hand through this momentous occasion. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, my name was called, and I followed the nurse into a small examination room. I settled onto the examination bed and greeted the doctor warmly.

"Hello, Lucy. How are we feeling today?" the kind-faced doctor inquired.

"I'm feeling... physically alright," I replied hesitantly, not wanting to delve into the emotional turmoil that was brewing beneath the surface.

"I'm sorry to hear it's been tough. Is it something at work?" the doctor asked gently, applying cold gel to my stomach before maneuvering the ultrasound wand.

"Yeah, just... hectic weeks," I murmured, my eyes fixed on the screen where our baby's image was beginning to take shape.

"Hectic weeks are never easy," the doctor sympathized, focusing on the monitor. "But your baby looks healthy and strong, with a steady heartbeat. Are we finding out the gender today?"

"Yes, if we can," I replied eagerly, a surge of happiness coursing through me at the thought.

"Alright, it looks like you're having a beautiful baby girl!" the doctor announced, and my heart soared with joy. A girl. Tim and I were having a daughter.

Leaving the hospital, however, the weight of Tim's absence bore down on me once more. All the happiness I had felt moments ago seemed to dissipate as I drove, tears threatening to spill over. Would I have to go through labor alone? Would Tim be angry with me for not telling him sooner, and would he still want custody of our daughter? No, I couldn't let myself dwell on those thoughts. Despite our differences, I knew Tim. He cared deeply, even if he struggled to show it at times. Deep down, I believed he would want to work things out, for our daughter's sake if nothing else. The pain was still raw, the hurt palpable, but I clung to the hope that we could find a way forward, together as parents, even if not as a couple.

Heyyyy, this is Chapter 3 I hope everyone is enjoying this so far!

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