Chapter 76

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Her screams didn't stop at all as her stomach ached like hell. "I don't want to die!" she screamed with fear and sadness in her voice as she started screaming again.

Fire suddenly appeared in her field of vision. He was kneeling next to her and had his hands on her cheek. But Fire wasn't the only one. Almost all the ghouls came running as they all realized that the baby had to come now.

"Aice... you're strong. Got it!" Cirrus howled as she tried to help her, realizing this is may her death. Everyone realized that these might be Aice's last minutes. No one wanted to let her go, especially when the parting was so painful for both of them.

They all took Aice to the infirmary together. Her forehead was covered in sweat as she cried out again and again in pain.

"We have to get the child now!" Terzo shouted as he rummaged through some drawers. "We've just called the Sisters. They're not here that fast." said Copia, who was near Terzo. "Get this kid out!" screamed Aice as her body tensed. Just as she said that, Terzo hit her in the thigh with a huge shot of painkiller.

Fire stood next to Aice the whole time, not knowing how to handle the situation himself. All this emotions made him feel a bit dizzy. "Copia come on. We need to get this kid out." Terzo turned to Copia, who was already turning pale in the face. "No way... I can't do this to her..." he rambled and took steps back.

"Get this child out! I can't take it anymore..." Aice cried out in pain. "I'll help you." Fire stepped next to Terzo. They didn't take long as Terzo arrived with a scalpel.

Aice's vision began to go wide as her screams began to get quieter and quieter. There was so much adrenaline in her body that the painkiller hadn't started to work.

All too soon Aice's stomach was free and Terzo applied the scalpel. At the same moment, Aice screamed again.

It was a moment of sadness, pain and fear. Even Terzo had to pull himself together not to start crying because he knows he can't save Aice. After Copia left, it was just the three of them in the room. The other ghouls were waiting outside, all holding each other.

They flinched whenever Aice cried out, wondering how much longer they could hear her.

It was only a few minutes, but it felt much longer. Terzo finally got to the amniotic sac and a minute later he pulled the baby out. Fire had stood by him the whole time.

Terzo cut the umbilical cord and placed the baby in Fire's arms. "It's a girl." he said. Fire looked down at his baby girl, who was still covered in blood. He didn't know how best to hold her. But he knew he would always protect her.

He walked along the bed next to Aice. Her whole forehead was soaked with sweat as she felt intense pain but couldn't scream. She didn't have the strength. Fire had tears of joy in his eyes while a huge smile came to his face. "We have a girl." he said to Aice. She looked at him briefly with a faint smile.

Everyone's body was tense as the waiting group outside also listened dully to what was going on inside. They heard the child start screaming and Fire talking to Aice. Everyone thought that Aice had survived.

But everything changed in seconds.

Her gaze went past Fire and further and further into the distance as she stepped further and further away. "Aice! Stay with me!" cried Fire, still holding his daughter in his arms.

Tears of grief ran from Fire's eyes as the nightmare became a reality. The child in Fire's arms began to overwhelm him because he had nowhere to put her. Surprisingly, Copia stood behind him and took her off.

Terzo's eyes widened as he stood rooted to the spot. "Terzo fucking do something!" yelled Fire as he began to resuscitate Aice. "Don't do this to me, I need you!"

"Fire... bite her! Spread your venom inside her. Maybe you can change her... that's my only and last idea." Just as Terzo suggested this, Fire started biting her. On her arm, on her legs, another time on her neck, everywhere there was room.

He was standing next to her bed, leaning over her. His hand caressed her cheek as he carefully closed her eyes with his other. "Please Aice..." Tears landed on Aice's face and just rolled off.

Suddenly the Sisters rushed in, surprised to see what was happening. They immediately started to sew Aice up again to maybe save her. They also had the idea that Fire would spread his poison inside her, but they would only know if it would work if they waited.

They started to clean Aice up and put other clothes on her, as everything was full of her blood. Fire was eventually sent out of the room to clean himself up, as he also had Aice's blood on him. Outside the room, he collapsed in grief as his heart began to break.

All the while, the ghouls were with him, trying to distract him. Rain and Swiss then dragged him to his room to give him a shower. However, the idea of his room was a bad one, because all of Aice's stuff was there, causing him to break down even worse.

In the meantime, Copia took his niece to another room in the infirmary and started cleaning her up himself. She was beautiful and was the blended version of Fire and Aice.

He measured and weighed her before wrapping her in a cozy blanket and taking her in his arms. In the room he was in, it was like a different atmosphere. He stopped thinking about what was happening. He hadn't thought about Aice or Fire.

Maybe it was their daughter who had enchanted him so much.

He had sat down on an armchair in the room, only she started crying immediately. But that's kind of typical with Copia, because he really makes every child cry instead of falling asleep.

At that moment, one of the nurses came in. "You make every child cry too, don't you?" she smiled as they marveled together at the beauty of Fire's daughter.

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