Chapter 75

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Copia started to speak, but you interrupted him immediately.

"Has Aice been here the whole time?" Copia nodded as you started crying hard again. "Why? Why?! WHY!?" Aether and Mountain grabbed your arms to hold you in the chair as they noticed you becoming more aggressive.

"It was for your safety." "Why are you forbidding me access to my wife when my safety is with her?" "We're afraid for Aice because..." Copia paused, which you didn't like at all. "Why because?" you said a little louder.

"Aice probably won't survive the birth. The child is too strong. That's why she looks like that after such a short time. It's taking all her strength."

It was like a punch to your stomach as your muscles loosened. Your mouth moved, but no sound came out. "We lied to you because if the baby survives it Aice but you don't, you won't die. I'm sorry Fire." Copia took a step back and looked at the floor.

How are you supposed to live without Aice? How are you supposed to go on in life if she's your path? How are you supposed to breathe if she's your air? You need her.

Your tears landed on your clothes while silence fell in the room. You still couldn't realize it. "And you all knew about this?" you looked at the boys, who looked away embarrassed and were crying themselves. They were all heartbroken.

"I'm a monster. What did I do to my wife? I gave her poison, which is slowly dragging her to her death. I am a monster. A hideous monster. I am killing her with my love." Ice-cold and without pause, you kept repeating these sentences as the guilt was washing over you.

Your life stopped just as you were wondering if and how you could go on.

A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts as Cirrus stood in the doorway. "Copia... Aice is asking for Fire." Only when she finished the sentence did she see you. The boys grabbed you again as you were about to jump up. "Copia please... let me see her. You hid her from me...I need to talk to her...and that still alive........................ please."

Copia was silent before nodding to the boys holding you and letting you go. Immediately you broke free, wiped away your tears and ran towards the infirmary. Without thinking or worrying about it, you stood in front of the door. You knocked briefly before carefully entering.

The room smelled of her. You had never noticed it so strongly before. It was already a little dark in the room, which made it difficult for you to recognize her at first. You cautiously walked closer. Her eyes were fixed on you as you looked at her arms, neck and face. "What have I done to you?" Tears came to your eyes again.

You stopped next to her bed as you looked into her eyes for the first time. She was tired, damn tired.

"Fire..." "How likely is it?" "I'm sorry Fire." "I can't live without you." "You won't. You're going to have a part of me. It needs you." "Do you honestly think that I could love it, or even tolerate if it killed you?" "It's not it's fault. You have to accept what it is." "Because you've given me no choice. Air, we're supposed to be partners, remember?"

Air had nothing more to say as you wiped away your tears again.

Her hand reached for yours as you sat her fragile body again. "Look at you... it was all my fault. I'm the reason you're dying. It's slowly eating you out from the inside because I loved you." Air had managed to sit you on the edge of the bed with her hand.

"Fire... you are the father of this child. And if I leave, I want you to protect it the way you protect me. So loving. So comforting. Make it so happy. I can't imagine any other father for this child. Fire, we're supposed to be partners, remember? Our love has broken through the impossible and even though I may no longer be here, our connection will always be there. Like you will also make the impossible possible for you and love this child. For you. Us."

Crying, you looked into her face as she shed a few tears too. She took your hands and suddenly put them on her stomach. On the belly where your child is still. It felt strange, but you couldn't stop touching it. It was too fascinating for that. It is your child. A part of you and Air. It is yours.

But no.. you can't.

"Air... I can't do this anymore. My heart has been breaking more and more for two months. I can't breathe from the guilt. I made a mistake that you can never forgive me for. I will be a bad father. I need you, but you don't deserve me." You got up and turned away from her. She still tried to reach for you, but you managed to free yourself from her loose grip.

"Fire... please. I need you. Don't make the same mistake again... please..." Aice called after you, but you just kept walking.

*3rd person*

Aice was still looking into the open door and heard Fire's footsteps walking further and further down the hallway. Further and further away from her.

She was sure she had to get to him. She had to make him realize that she needed him as much as he needed her.

Aice threw her blanket aside, began to wipe away her tears and slowly stood up. Step by step, she walked out of the infirmary. No Sister could stop her because they weren't there.

She held onto the wall as she tried to feel Fire with her strength. He was near Copia's office.

She was walking slowly again when she saw a large black figure at the end of the hallway. She squinted her eyes a little to get a better look. Then she saw the large scythe as she realized who it was.

"Please don't." she whispered as the tears came again. At that moment, her leg buckled as it cracked in her spine and she fell to the ground. She had nothing to support or hold on to. She landed on the floor with a loud scream as her stomach tightened.

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