Ch 16: My Other Shadow

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"Breaking news! Six more bodies have been discovered buried on the hunting grounds. This makes a total of thirteen bodies so far in just a month. Police believe that the "New Orleans killer" has returned after being dormant for ninety-one years. Police are asking everyone to remain vigilant and if anyone has any information please call. We will have more on this story as it unfolds. Now to sports...."

I turn off the TV, placing the remote onto the table in front of me and grab my cup of coffee. As I take a sip, my mind drifts off to that night. I was in a state of euphoria as I stood over those six men, staring at their lifeless bodies. I have never taken so many lives in one night and I didn't expect to meet Alastor that night as well. I feel my heart racing as I think about him.

"Snap out of it (y/n), he's a demon! You can't fall in love with him no matter how attractive and charming he is." I think to myself.

I'm completely lost in my thoughts until something moves and catches my eye. I look over to see that there is a shadow with green eyes and what looks to be deer ears and antlers looking back at me in the corner. I place my coffee on the table, not breaking eye contact with it.

"It's alright, I won't hurt you. Come on out." I say to it.

It hesitates for a few moments before slowly making its way over to me but keeps a little distance between us.

"Did Alastor ask you to keep an eye on me?" I ask.

It nods its head as its eyes glow softly, grunting as it does so.

We've only just met and he's already worried about me?

I smile at the thought.

"Well, you can tell him that he has absolutely no reason to worry for my safety. I may be a woman but I can handle myself." I say proudly.

The shadow doesn't respond as it continues to stare at me. It's eyes looking me up and down before coming closer to me. Even though it doesn't really have a visible face, I can tell that it's curious about me from the look in its eyes. I go to reach my hand out to touch it but refrain from doing so.

"May I touch you?" I ask, waiting for its response.

It looks at me in the eyes for a few moments before nodding its head. I slowly reach towards it, making sure to go slow. I stopped just inches from its head before placing it on top and began to rub it. I feel the shadow tense for a moment before it closes its eyes and relaxes as it leans further into my touch. As I'm petting it, I look to see a small smile on its face.

We remain like that for a few minutes before I look at the clock, realizing that it's almost four o'clock. I stop petting it as I grab my empty mug and take it to the kitchen, placing it in the sink as it follows me.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to work." I say.

Apparently the shadow didn't like my answer one bit and decided to wrap itself around my neck, making me laugh.

"Do you want to come with me?" I ask.

The shadow pulls enough of itself away to look at me with those green eyes and grunts its response.

"OK, You can come, but you have to stay hidden at all times unless we're alone. Am I clear?" I ask it as I reach for the knob.

It nods and grips my neck a little tighter as I turn the knob of the front door walking outside and locking it before going to my truck and hopping in. Once I'm in the drivers seat and buckle up, I start the engine and head in the direction of the radio station.

~Time Skip~

I pull into the parking lot of the radio station and put the truck in park, making sure to grab my keys and suitcase before I jump out and lock it. I walk to the front of the building and stop at the doors, seeing that the shadow is still visible and wrapped around my neck.

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