Chapter 2, Part 1 - Where is He?

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It was taking Jack much longer than he thought to get to the Italian restaurant. So much traffic. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was caused by Duranies coming to see the band perform tomorrow. After all, he would say that Duran Duran was the most popular band at that time. Who knows? Maybe they could go on to be just as popular and infamous as The Beatles were.
It had already been 25 minutes since Jack had left the rental.
“What’s taking him so long?” Roger asked as he felt his stomach consume itself. It was now clear that Roger had, in fact, not eaten at all that day.
“I hope he’s alright,” Nick said. He had a tendency to overthink things. He always thinks and believes the worst possible scenario. Nick sunk deeper into the couch.
“I bet he’s fine, Darling. He’s probably stuck in traffic or something.” Simon said. If you could describe someone's facial expression as a question mark, that was Nick’s face. He scooted himself further away from Simon and closer to the armrest of the couch.
Roger couldn’t stand it anymore. He thought if he had to wait one more minute for food, he might kill Simon, or someone. He got up from the floor with a jump and hotfooted it towards the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Andy called out from the table behind the couch.
“Food.” Roger said. He ran out of the living room. THUD. Roger slammed the door.
“Well, he’s gonna spoil his supper.” Andy sighed and continued writing. Nick glanced back at Andy and asked him what he was doing.
“Practising my autograph for the girls,” Andy replied. Simon and Nick chuckled.
“Shhh,” John tried to silence them but to no avail. Their chuckling slowly turned into cackling, which slowly turned into laughing so hard they were crying. It didn’t help that John was trying to shut them up. At some point, they were actually trying not to laugh, but they couldn’t help it.
“What?” Andy said, which just made them laugh harder. He was smiling, too.
John was fed up at this point.
“Shut your bloody mouths!” John yelled while whipping around to face to Nick and Simon. They were silent for about 5 seconds before they heard Andy start to struggle to hold back a laugh. Then everyone except John started laughing hysterically. John groaned and turned off the TV, defeated. Roger then entered the room with an entire loaf of bread and 2 bananas.
“What’s happening?” He said with his mouth stuffed full. That was the breaking point for Simon and Nick. The room was filled with their laughter, shortly joined by Roger’s confused giggling. Their faces were soaked with tears, and Andy was beating the table with his fist. John began to join in too when they were finally interrupted by the ring of the telephone.

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