Chapter 2, part 3 - War?

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John didn’t realise he had fallen asleep until Simon tried to peel him off of himself without waking him up, unsuccessfully. Jack wasn’t back yet so Simon had decided to get up and stretch his legs. John yawned. It was 5:00 now. It had been an hour since Jack left and 30 minutes since he called. Nick was still curled up in the corner of the couch, staring over at the door, thinking about Jack. Andy had also fallen asleep, face first on the table. Roger was staring at the now half empty bag of bread. He wasn’t really nervous for the concert. He was more worried about everyone else. John seemed kinda on edge ever since the rehearsal earlier. Simon has been nothing but sassy since they got to the house. Nick has done nothing but worry. Andy has done nothing but blab, even when he was asleep. Although that’s not really uncommon for him. Roger could still tell he was a little nervous but he could also tell Andy was excited, which he barely saw in anyone else. So everything was going as usual.
“Does anyone wanna play cards?” Simon asked. He pulled a deck of cards from his back pocket while pacing. No one responded.
“What?” John said, rubbing his eyes. Simon shook the deck of cards at him.
“I’ll play,” Roger said. John snuggled up on the couch, in Simon’s absence, to go back to sleep. Roger motioned Simon over to the table, where he sat down in the seat closest to Roger. He started shuffling the deck. Nick calmly and slowly reached for his keyboard. Maybe he could distract his mind. BEEP. His keyboard made a small beep when it turned on.
“Don’t even turn that thing on,” Simon called out. BEEP. Nick turned his keyboard off. Instead of putting it back down he tapped on the keyboard where it produced no sound except the sound of him slamming the keys down.
“War?” Simon asked Roger. Roger nodded. As the game went on the two got progressively louder. John even covered his ears with a pillow to try and block them out. Then Simon screamed because he had just lost two aces in one war. That jolted Andy awake. Andy didn’t get angry that he was woken up. He just stood, grabbed a Vogue magazine from the coffee table in front of the couch, and sat back in the armchair. Everyone was calm again. A couple minutes later, the door to the living room swung open. Standing in the doorway was Jack, with handfuls of bags.

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