Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Power Couple and Nerd

"Mistinia! We're home!" Two voices said in unison. I'm pretty sure it's 5:00 a.m in the morning. I opened one eye and saw my parents in front of me grinning. In my room. Geez ever heard of privacy?

I closed my eye and went back to sleep. As much as I would enjoy seeing my parents, now is not the time.

"Let's wake her up in a few hours, Milo. See seems out of it..." My mother whisper yelled at my dad. They left my room and I made an attempt to go back to sleep. I failed miserably.

Ugh I'm already up so I might as well go on Facebook. I was scrolling when I came across some photos that caught my eye. The photos even shocked me.

It was a collage of pictures. One picture was me walking into the restroom, and the other one was a picture of Tommy and Tina walking in the restroom. And the caption said: Power Couple and Nerd threesome?!?

What the hell?!? Ronald a random guy I befriended that supposedly goes to my school posted that.

I went to the comments and it read:

Lin Thomas
I heard that this photo originally came from Danielle's page...

Like• Reply• 5 minutes ago

That sneaky trick! I went to Danielle's page and looked for the photo. It was the exact same photo except with a different caption: Mistinia and the Power Couple threesome?

Instead of going to the comments I threw on some clothes and went to Chantelle's house. She would know what to do.


*Chantelle's POV*

I woke up with a massive headache and Misty was in my bedroom calling my name. She looked mad.

"Misty what the hell are you doing in my room?" I said groggily putting my head under my pillow.

"I need advice." She replied pacing back and forth running her hands through her hair.

"On?" I urged. I was good on advice so I think I could help with any of her problems.

"This." She said handing me a phone. It was a collage of Misty walking into a bathroom and then the other picture was Tommy and Tina walking in the bathroom. The caption read: Mistinia and Power Couple threesome?

Misty? Threesome? Misty is too much of a sucker to even consider one, because she's not that type of girl. These photos were obviously taken out of context. It even had the times of the photos.

Misty walked in at 9:00 and Tommy and Tina walked in at 9:01. So that means either Misty was in and out or that means Misty was actually in there with them.

"Here." Misty said throwing me a Advil bottle. I took a bottle water out of the mini fridge I had in my room and I swallowed the pill washing it down with water.

"Thanks." I replied placing the water bottle on the nightstand.

"I called Cassie over." She said sitting down on my bed. She laid down and she fell asleep. It must've been a tiring morning for her, even though the day hasn't even started.

I went down stairs and started cooking chocolate chip pancakes for the family. We normally wake up around 6:00-7:00 a.m because we are an active family.

My brothers Sean(13) and Dylan(15) like to get up early for a workout. My sister Bailey(10) wakes up to start practicing ballet. And my parents don't wake up until 6:30 a.m because they have to supervise the kids. I only wake up so I can cook or help cook.

I cooked about 16 pancakes for my family and Cassie and Misty.

"Hmmmmm. Smells good sis." My brother Sean said practically floating towards the pancakes. He grabbed a plate and two pancakes and sat down at the table. "Yummy." Bailey said grabbing a plate and two pancakes.

*DING-DONG* (door bell)

That must be Cassie. I opened the door and Cassie walked in the house with her pajamas still on. That consisted of shorts and a tank top. Classy.

"She's upstairs." I said walking up the steps to my room.

Misty was still sleep and she looked so peaceful. Now time to be cruel and wake her up.

*Misty POV*

"Wake up!" Cassie said rocking me back and forth harshly.

"Ughhhhh. Ok," I replied groggily. I sat up and I sniffed the air as if I was some type of bloodhound. I smelled something good. Like chocolate.

"Spill." Chantelle said looking at me.

I told them everything from me going to the restroom to Tommy and Tina walking in to Tommy saying that she was a virgin and all that stuff.

"Advice?" I asked looking at Chantelle's shocked facial expression and Cassie's angered expression.

"Maybe we should-"

"Kill her." Cassie said cutting Chantelle off. She looked very mad. Her nostrils were flared and her left eye was twitching.

"I would love too but, I'm to young to go to jail." I replied sarcastically. As much as I want to keep kill Danielle I just can't. I'm running out of places to store bodies.

"First." Chantelle said giving Cassie and I a look. "We report her page and then we report that picture that is on everybody's page."

Ok good. "Second. We delete the photo from Danielle's phone. She normally has swimming practice on Mondays and Wednesdays. So we can take her phone and delete it while she is in swim practice." Chantelle said talking a mile a minute. I gave her a weird look but she kept talking.

"Third we convince everybody that Danielle is lying and those pictures were at different times. Then this mess would be cleared up." She finished sighing. It took most of the day to clear half of this up. When I went home I was exasperated. My parents weren't at home and they haven't called or texted me. I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

I texted my mom that I was home and I fell asleep on the couch.


"Misty." Someone said whisper yelling to me. I opened my eyes and I saw Asher standing in front of me.

"Asher how the heck did you get in here?!" I asked checking my surroundings. The clock read 5:00 pm which meant I only got two hours of sleep. I swear I cannot get any sleep without someone interrupting.

"I wanted to see if you were ok. I saw the photos on Facebook...." He said running his hand through his hair.

"You care?" I asked standing up to face him. He was wearing a red shirt with ripped jeans.

I was walking towards him and he was backing up. "Yeahhh." He replied looking at me shocked.

I backed him into a wall and leaned in and whispered in his ear,"Thank you."

I backed away to see his expression. His cheeks were tinted with a faint pink. He looked shocked.

He quickly recovered and he grinned at me. "Your welcome." He replied throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Do you wanna um... Hangout? Not like a date or anything. Just hanging out..." He offered looking at me for a response.

"Sure." I replied putting my arm around his shoulder or at least I tried.

"So does tomorrow sound good? At like 12? We are eating at my place. I have a special surprise for you." He said giving giving me a wink.

A surprise? Goody! But knowing Asher it's probably gonna be very bad.

He gave me the address and we talked for a while until we were interrupted.

"Misty?! Who is this this?" My mom said as she walked through the door.

Oh shiznet.

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