Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: They see me rolling

"I told you don't do it." He said sitting in a chair running his fingers through his hair furiously.

"But I wanted to do the trick!" I protested crossing my arms over my chest.

My friends burst in the room running over to where I was laying. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Chantelle said grabbing my hand trying to see if there was a pulse.

I pulled my hand away and rolled my eyes. "See what had happened was," I said laying back in the bed. "I wanted to do a skateboard trick off some stairs and I kinda... Um... Twisted my ankle and now we are here." I finished gesturing towards the hospital room.

The my parents and Nathan walked in and sat down beside Asher. "What happened?" My mom asked with worried eyes. I told her the story add she hit me upside the head. "OWW! Mom why you do that?" I asked rubbing the side off my head.

"You could've died!" She said hitting me upside my head again. I pouted and rubbed my head again. That woman is heavy handed.

I leaned back in the bed and sighed. My mind replayed everything that has happened at the park.

"Ok I'm ready!" I said to Asher. He glanced over to me and shook his head.

"If you want to try anything extreme don't do it." He replied walking towards a bench.

Asher taught me how to control the skateboard and keep my balance. He also taught me how to do turns.

But I wasn't gonna do none of that. I was gonna impress him by doing the trick he did earlier. I found the same set off stairs he rode off of and started rolling.

"Misty..." Asher warned but it was to late. I was already off the edge.

They see me rolling
They hating

I sang in my mind. When I tried to do the half flip my foot ended up slipping and I fell on the ground.

I opened my eyes and I tried to get up but I couldn't. My ankle hurt like I don't know what. It was throbbing and it was swollen. Tears rolled down my cheeks because off the pain. Various swear words tumbled out of my mouth.

"Oh shit." Asher said helping me up. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911. After he was done talking to them he carried me over to a bench and laid me down.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I shook my head and I swatted his hand away.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the air. It smelled like juicy fruit. Juicy fruit?

I looked at Asher as he put a piece of gum in his mouth. I raised an eyebrow at him and shouted,"I JUST POSSIBLY TWISTED MY ANKLE AND YOU ARE CHEWING GUM?!?"

He held his hands up in surrender and gave me a piece. I took out his hand and smiled at him.

Sirens pierced the air and an ambulance pulled up. Asher waved them over and they put me on a stretcher. We got in the ambulance and I said to Asher, "Asher if I don't make it tell my parents I love them." I closed my eyes for dramatic effect.

He chuckled softly and mumbled some words that I couldn't understand.

"Doctor will she live?!?" I heard Chantelle say. Sometimes she is just too dramatic.

I opened my eyes to see the doctor around the age of 20 look at her amused. "Of course she'll live. But..." He turned towards my parents. "She'll need a brace and she may use crutches until she can walk again. Make sure to use RICE." I always wanted crutches.

Everyone looked at him confused. "It means Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. I'll be right back with the paperwork." He said leaving the room.

"Mom?" I asked looking at her. "Yes sweetheart?" She replied rushing over to my side.

"Can I have some rice?"


"Honey I'm leaving! Have fun at home!" My mom said leaving the house. My dad had already left because he has an earlier work schedule.

"Okay bye." I mumbled. My ankle still hurt like hell so I haven't left the couch since breakfast. That's right my parents couldn't even bring my breakfast up to me. They had to call me downstairs so I could get it. They are lucky I didn't fall down the stairs.

My crutches lay beside me on the couch and my foot was elevated on the coffee table with multiple pillows under my foot. I was video chatting Chantelle and Cassie because we still had to figure out this phone situation.

Cassie already reported her page and the picture that was on everybody's page. Since it slipped my mind that Danielle had practice yesterday we have to wait until tomorrow to delete the picture.

"Ok I should go get the phone." Chantelle said pointing to herself. It was either her or Cassie.

"Why you?" Cassie whined crossing her arms across her chest.

Chantelle rolled her eyes. "Because I was the one who made up this plan. Plus I can go undercover as Danielle's friends so I can get close to her."

That's actually I really good idea. But how is she going to get close to her in one day?

"In one day? How?" Cassie replied voicing my thoughts. Chantelle looked thoughtful for a minute and then she got up from the table and left.

She looked back at Cassie and smiled. Then she walked away.

*Chantelle's POV*

I forced tears to come out off my eyes as I walked over Danielle's table. She looked at me questionably and waited for me to talk.

"Can I talk to you?" I said making my voice crack. I quickly fanned myself as if I was having I panic attack.

She motioned for me to sit down and I sat down quickly wiping the tears from my eyes. "I can't take it anymore!" I said putting my head down on the table. "Tell me everything." Danielle cooed while she rubbed my back.

I told her a fake story basically saying that I never liked Cassie and Misty because they were always mean towards me. And I said that I always wanted to be their friend. They bought it.

"Awwww it's ok, we'll be your friends." Jin said rubbing my back. I mentally rolled my eyes and I nodded.

I grinned at them and said thanks.

I'm in. Step two gain their trust.

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