Chapter Three

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Chapter three: Oh shiznet

"Misty! Wake up! You have 30 minutes to get to school!" My aunt said from downstairs.

Since my parents don't trust me home alone, my parents decided that it was such a great idea to tell my aunt to come and live with me. WITH ME! I wish my parents would just trust me. Thank god it's only until my parents get back and as soon as that happens I'm kicking her out.

I climb out of my bed and get in the shower. Why does it feel like I'm forgot something on Friday? And this Asher guy... He seems awfully familiar. Like I've seen he before.

I got out the shower and threw on some clothes, grabbed a banana and I walked outside.

Simple and easy as fu-


That was Cassie in her car and that means I have to go.

"Hey! We have 10 minutes! Let's go!" I said to Cassie as I got in the car.

What did I forget? My book? No that's at home, I think.

I turned on the radio and Earned It came on.

You make it look like its magic
Cause I see nobody, nobody, but you you you
I'm never confused
Hey hey
I'm so used to being used

I braced myself for the bridge. I was about to belt out the lyrics but the car turned off.

"We're here!" Cassie said happily.
I glared at her. "Cassie turn the radio back on!" I whined. That was my jam! I haven't heard it in a week!

"No Misty. We have to go to class." Cassie replied while getting out. I pulled her back in the car and stared her in the eyes. "Turn the radio back on!"

"Fine." She said reaching for keys. She was about to put the keys in but someone interrupted us.

"Hey babe." Colton said kissing Cassie on the cheek.

They chatted for a couple of minutes while I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Uh, hello! The radio!" I practically yell at Cassie.

She groaned and put the car keys back in the slot.

I heard the ending music of Earned It. I groaned as I got out the car and I slammed the door.

"Dear Bernard," someone said out loud. That sounds real familiar. "I love you so much! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

Oh shiznet.

That's what I forgot on friday. MY FRICKING BOOK.

"This is dedicated to my friend Mistinia. I didn't get to finish this part but I'll read it now."

I couldn't move. It's like my feet have been attached to the floor.

"Dear Mabel, I miss you so much. When I see you again I'm gonna rip those clothes off you and lick those-"

"Ok Mr.Tomlin, that's enough." The principal said snatching the book from him.

"Whose book is this?" The principal asked Asher. A smirk appeared on his face and he pointed at me.

"Ms. Barlow and Mr. Tomlin in my office, now." The principal said.

I guess I have to follow this nitwit.

Well now I know where I recognize Asher from. School.

"Hey." He said winking at me.

"What!" I snapped at him. I don't want to get in trouble. Especially with this nitwit.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together." He said winking at me.

"I liked it better when it was N before O." I replied flipping my hair over my shoulder.


"Mr. Tomlin you have detention." Mrs. Smith (principal) said.

All Asher did was shrug his shoulders. He was so nonchalant.

"Same goes for you, Ms. Barlow."

I didn't shrug my shoulders, I didn't act nonchalant, if anything I went ballistic.

"What! Mrs. Smith I can't have detention. I didn't do anything wrong!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Ms. Barlow, but books like that goes against what our school stands for. Our school doesn't allow pornography or anything else of that nature." She replied giving me a disappointed look.

"But that was just that one part! I swear-"

"Shall I make it another day?" She said cutting me off.

That made me shut up.

"You are dismissed." The principal said. That was our cue to leave.


"Shut up. You got me in trouble nitwit!" I said. I wanted to slap him but I had a feeling that I would get another detention.

"Is Mistinia mad?" Asher said in an innocent voice.

"No shit." I replied stuffing my hands in my hoodie pocket. "And call me Misty."

I stopped in front of my next class: Literature. But the thing that confused me is that Asher did the same thing.

"Stop following me, creep." I said as I stepped inside of the class.

He glanced at me and said, "If anything you're following me."

Wait that means that Asher and I have the same-

"Ah, Mr. Tomlin and Ms. Barlow. You're late. I'll see you after class to discuss why you were." Mr. Daniels said. Great more time with Asher. Just great.

Eventually the class ended and thank goodness for that because I almost fell asleep. I would've but Asher kept poking me in the ribs.

"So Mr. Tomlin. What is your excuse for being late this time?" He asked Asher.

"Mrs. Smith wanted to speak to me and Misty." He replied shrugging his shoulders. Wow he actually called me by my name.

"Misty and I." Mr. Daniels said correcting Asher and then he rolled his eyes. "Okay you can go now and I expect you two to have my homework by Friday."

"Yes sir." I replied but Asher just shrugged. No respect at all.
Tsk, tsk, tsk

"Hey you." Asher said to me as we walked out the classroom. I honestly don't feel like talking to him. He got me in trouble with the principal and now he wants to be nice?

"What?" I groaned. I do not have the energy or time to deal with him.

"I'm sorry that I got you in trouble. I was just messing with you." He replied sincerely.

I didn't know he even knew what sorry meant, let alone apologizing.

"Okay." I replied. "Well I have algebra class next so I'll see you later."

"You know they call me algebra right?" He said grinning at me.

"Why?" I asked almost instantly. Hey I'm always curious. Not my fault.

"Because I'm long and hard." He replied winking at me.

Ok so things were back to normal.

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